
You can escape the seven year itch

    The marital first 3 years are the running-in periods, the 7th year is a dangerous period, 10 years later is the tired time.

    40 year-old man, 37 year-old woman's marriage age about 10 years, everybody occupies the running-in period generally in the initial 2-3 years, still cherished heart of the containing; When 67 years knows is very dangerous, therefore harbors the discrete heart; 10 years later, everybody thought that opposite party looks like own right-hand man, thought that the dear ones had already substituted for love, therefore before is not a problem the minor matter will also take noisily, the tracasserie have been many, will offend somebody.

    In addition marries for 10 years, the husbands and wives, regardless of the manner gets along with people in the contour on, becomes with the marriage when the difference is very big, two person of individualities, the outlook on life, the money view, the treatment raise child's manner, the treating pressure way and so on various aspects' difference be outspoken will expose in this time, any question sufficiently will let the marriage paralyze.

    The external enticement creates goes off track

    The marital time is longer, more is familiar with to each other, is easier the importance which neglects understood mutually, the sentiment gradually is therefore faint down. Regardless of has any question, husband and wife both should communicate honestly, the evasion question is not the solution.

    Experienced 10 year wind and rain marriage, the fervor abated gradually, if the marital both sides' point of view were not prompt adjusts, possibly gave extramarital affair's appearance creation opportunity.

