
Washes the valuable net Selling well Wenzhou goods

    The native of Wenzhou will do business, not only will manifest in the tradition type of trading, in now electronic commerce time similarly so.

    The other day, washed the statistical data which by the home biggest shopping website the valuable net issued to demonstrate that by the beginning of April, Wenzhou had more than 20,000 to wash the valuable storekeeper, was in the national net shop seller city tenth, managed the shoes clothing class commodity to occupy 30%. Wenzhou Ji Wangdian the commodity deal total amount to account for the national net shop deal amount 1.33%.

    This data exhilaratingly exerts, not only had demonstrated the new generation Wenzhou net business's vigor, more importantly, we saw the Wenzhou rich brand resources, will have the possibility to win a broader world through the electronic commerce. Wenzhou Retail trade chairman of the chamber of commerce Li Wei said good.

    Individual seller:

    Wenzhou makes the important clique

    Wenzhou net business Chen Liang is washing valuable on-line is managing an imperial crown level loquacious fragrant ducks tongue shop. As the Wenzhou special product good food, this shop attracts several hundred restaurant patrons far apart to come every day to purchase in admiration of somebody's fame, daily average sales volume ten thousand Yuan. I rejoiced very much initially chose the ducks tongue this to have the Wenzhou region superiority product. Shop owner Chen Liang said.

    Beginning Chen Liang in washed opens a shop valuable once had hawked the handicraft, electronic commodity and so on, not satisfying Italy. Afterward he related the Wenzhou local loquacious fragrant factory, started to manage the ducks tongue with single-hearted devotion. Result this time beyond expectation best-selling, less than a half year, the ducks tongue daily sales volume amounts to 100-200 catties.

    Washes valuable net Wenzhou business pledge hegemon Kenneth to tell reporter: Now washes valuable on-line has the strength Wenzhou seller nearly to have the local source of goods superiority, the `Wenzhou makes ' and the `Wenzhou brand ' becomes our net business the important support strength.

    It is known that washes the valuable net Wenzhou business pledge to have more than 1300 members, manages this real estate food, the clothing, the shoes and hats, stores and so on automobile thing occupy over 30%.

    Enterprise network business:

    From line name brand to-line star

    Besides on-line opens a shop the undertaking to become common practice personally, the Wenzhou numerous manufacture enterprises also in abundance grip in the broad on-line sales market, realizes three-dimensional sales model which the entity and hypothesized unifies.

    Red dragonfly company in last April was washing the valuable commercial city start network shop, now the sales volume has achieved the single entity shop turnover every month 2 to 3 times, but the cost investment was actually miniscule. Red yellow blue Group straight battalion headquarters Manager Peng introduced that touched the net less than one year, the red Huang Lan net the sales volume already topped 500,000 Yuan last month, became washes in the treasure the children's clothing class product sales volume biggest brand straight camp shop.

    It is known that my city in washes the brand factory which in the valuable commercial city opens a shop to surpass hundred directly at present. Looks like the Austria Kang leather shoes, the outstanding bold leather shoes, the woods horse clothing, Wenzhou superiority tradition professions and so on high nation clothing command troops the enterprise after the debarkation washes the valuable commercial city, became the dazzling star, the sales result has been in the lead by far in the home similar enterprise.

    Expert suggestion:

    Gathers the resources to fire on-line Wenzhou brand

    Wenzhou net business in washed on the treasure the bright eye achievement again to verify native of Wenzhou's doing business wisdom. Some experts pointed out that may the product resources and on-line business model docks the Wenzhou rich line, fires on-line Wenzhou brand comprehensively.

    Wenzhou University Business school professor opened a strength saying:The Wenzhou traditional industry enters the electronic commerce to have own unique superiority. These superiority are good including the credit, the brand popularity is high, the start cost is inexpensive, has decides the user group and so on, will produce with the aid of the electronic commerce is cheaper, will be more effective, more formidable economic efficiency.

    Wenzhou Retail trade chairman of the chamber of commerce Li Wei good also believed that the reason that the Wenzhou light industry product is world-famous, lies in the brand the joint effect, for instance the numerous Wenzhou clothing name brand, the shoe industry brand composed the Chinese clothing famous city, the Chinese shoes has waited for the profession brand, certain profession brand has formed the international light industry city region brand. Then, in electronic commerce time, we whether can consider duplicates this kind of joint effect?

    Li Wei suggested good that may hold the pattern display accumulative effect which through the native place net shop the group manages, expands the Wenzhou network marketing fast the influence, constructs the formidable on-line Wenzhou brand, makes the output for Wenzhou to turn on the new front door.

