
designer kids clothing How to select and purchase the high quality baby rice noodle for the baby

This placard in 2010-6-2520:35 edits finally by amy1221

What is the baby rice noodle's principal constituent??
The baby rice noodle is take the rice as the primary data, by the white granulated sugar, the vegetables, the fruit, the egg class, meats and so on selective the ingredients, joins the calcium, the phosphorus, the babies and infants who and so on iron processings and so on mineral substance and Vitamin make supplements food, cannot meet the nutrition need as well as the baby for the mother's milk or the baby powdered formula is weaned time edible.
When baby as long as 3~5 months, should the prompt science increase supplementary food, very important is the baby rice noodle. To the baby who increases the supplementary food, the baby rice noodle is equal the principal grains which eats in our adult, its main nutrient content carbohydrate, is one day of need main energy origin.

The rice noodle classification defers to baby's month to come by stages. The first stage is 4~6 month-long baby rice noodle, what in this stage rice noodle increase and strengthening will be the vegetables and the fruit (some will also increase some egg-yolk), but will not be meat food, like this will be advantageous to little darling's digestion. The second stage is 6 months later, this time in the baby rice noodle will frequently increase some fish, the liver putty, the beef, the pork and so on, the nutrition spectrum is more widespread. When mother chooses the rice noodle, may defer to baby's month to choose the different formula the rice noodle. Certainly, except the attention month, mother may also according to own child's need,designer kids clothing, the choice different formula rice noodle, like feed the carrot formula and the egg-yolk formula rice noodle alternately and so on, lets the child eat balanced, more comprehensive somewhat.

Purchases when the rice noodle what question needs to pay attention to??
The preference scale is as far as possible big, product and grade of service good brand enterprise's product. These enterprise's product compound design is quite scientific, reasonable, the control is quite strict to raw material, the quality has the guarantee.
Looked that on the packing the label marks whether completely. The national standards stipulated that the outside wrapping must mark the plant name, the factory site, the production date, guarantees the nature time, carries out the standard, the trademark, the content, the burden sheet, the nutrition becomes the chronometer and the edible method only and so on. Lacks above any product, should better not purchase.
Looked that the nutrition becomes in chronometer's labelling to be whether complete, the content is whether reasonable. The nutrition becomes in the chronometer to mark the quantity of heat generally, the protein, the fat, the carbohydrate and so on basic nutrient content, Vitamin as for example Vitamin A, Vitamin D, part B the race Vitamin, trace element like calcium, iron, zinc, phosphorus. Other nutrients which increases must also mark. The baby is weaned the time to supplement that food national standards stipulated that Vitamin A and D content separately between 1000~1500 International units and 200~400 International units. If takes the main nutritive index Vitamin A, D to be short in the national standards,baby girl dresses, possibly causes the baby malnutrition.
Looks at the product packaging explanation. The baby rice noodle should indicate clearly that baby most ideal food is the mother's milk, when the mother's milk insufficient or does not have the mother's milk may the edible this product; above when 6 months baby edible this product, should coordinate to increase the accesary foods. Is weaned the time formula rice noodle also to indicate is weaned the time formulated foods or is weaned time supplement food and so on. These statements are the enterprise must indicate clearly to the consumer.
Looks at the product the luster and the smell. The quality good rice noodle should be the rice white, even consistent, has the rice noodle fragrance, does not have other smells, like essence taste and so on.
Looked that the product the organization shape and flushes adjusts the nature. Should for powdery or the laminated shape, dry loose, not agglomerates evenly. Swells after the right amount warm boiling water or boils thoroughly, after the full agitation assumes the lubrication pappy.

Increases the accesary foods for the baby, should grasp the following several principles:
1. looked that the ingredient contains the meter, may know is weaned the time auxiliary kind of rice noodle, is weaned the time supplement class rice noodle. The former while provides certain quantity of heat, but also has joined the fat, protein, mineral substance, Vitamin; The latter fat, the protein content is low,(Related Articleskids toys The clothing hundred strong industry sel), eliminates several kind of Vitamins and the mineral substance, but also has joined the vegetables, fruit and meals textile fiber and so on
2. from class food to solid food: Generally should add the class food like rice water first, later will add half class food like gruel again, will increase solid food gradually, like biscuit, toasted bun piece and so on.
3. from few to many: Increase food may little feed at first, later will increase gradually, cannot be impatient.
4. from one kind to many kinds of: When increases food, each time can only add one kind, passes through for 4~5 days, if the baby dyspepsia or allergic reaction, the energetic appetite is normal, increases the second kind again, is sure not to act with undue haste, in order to avoid creates the dyspepsia.
5. choice appropriate time: The increase supplementary food should better before nursing, because time hunger easy to accept the supplementary food, is sick or the burning hot summer in the child, may postpone the increase, in order to avoid causes the gastro-intestinal tract digestion function disorder.
Attention health: The increase supplementary food should better probably fixed time the quota,girls clothes, eat the thing must be fresh, attention food sanitation.

