
baby gear How to communicate the preschool education experience with the guardian to summarize

How to communicate - - the preschool education experience with the guardian to summarize preschool education resources jy135.com Guangdong Province Yangshan County first kindergarten Cai Yanxia

Worked for ten years in the kindergarten, every day must contact with the guardian, now is only child's many, therefore the guardian to teacher, was also getting higher and higher to child's request, how to communicate with the guardian? I summarized the following several points:

First,baby gear, communicates attentively

As guardian's point of view is hoped very much knows own child in the garden situation, therefore as teacher, when the guardian inquired situation time, certainly must have the patience to the guardian to report that the baby in the garden situation, and gives the comment and the request earnestly. The expression which speaks with the guardian cannot too the suit type, but looks like the friend not to be able to be too serious equally. My class's small space children are quite mischievous active, opens parents' meeting's time, his mother asked: Teacher, the small space displays what kind in the kindergarten? I said: He is very earnest in the study aspect, how doesn't know at home? The guardian heard praises his son to say with smile on the face immediately: Is very active in the home,kids costumes, sits the time in the chair not to be long, his father hits him also is only fears all of a sudden. I the connection said immediately: He attends class that ten minutes in the kindergarten is very earnest, therefore the work does is also quickly right. After however class, likes everywhere pursuing, one does not pay attention to run up to the balcony to play, or does the toy. His mother said: Wanted teacher to take the trouble, the child was very difficult to teach. I said busily: The intelligent child is quite active, so long as everybody coordination teaches, the child can listen. Small space mother understanding nod.

Second, initiative communication

Studies regarding some quite tense child, but his child is not the guardian who likes studying very much, we must adopt the initiative communication. This may before the child has the problem and the guardian have been interacting, the guardian completely will not push the responsibility for teacher, will omit many nonessential misunderstanding and the contradictory appearance. Furthermore, excavates baby's flashing temperature promptly, that feared that is the little progress, reported promptly to the guardian, I believed the guardian can be very happy. How is my class ye ye the child not interested to the study, takes care of oneself ability also specially to miss. I reported to her mother: ye ye eats meal is very slow, the capacity for food are also very few. Her mother disdained saying:Feeds, could let him begin to eat meal had been very already good, also wanted adult in the home to feed! The child is obviously is become hardened in bad habits by adult, if this time continued saying that the child was not, I believed that guardian's manner even more will be discontented, only then did not raise immediately. This period of time,new born baby doll, I discovered that ye ye paints pictures the progress to be very big, in the morning comes the garden time I reported promptly to his mother. His mother said happily: Yes, he to painted pictures the comparison to be interested, was the tintage insufficient patience. After this time, his mother to teacher manner also good many, also paid attention to the work which ye ye each week painted pictures.

With the guardian communication is one language art, must grasp their point of view regarding the different guardian, selects the different method with its communication, homeland pulls, can do well the work! Preschool education network

