
red baby socks The Qingdao hand and foot stomatopathy was taken bad last week has counted thousand

Daocheng was taken bad last week 1080 examples

on 17th, reporter in the entire province hand and foot stomatopathy epidemic situation announcement table which from the Shandong Province health department issued learned that Shandong Province from January 1 accumulates to June 13 is taken bad 57486 examples, the critically ill case 1144 examples, dies 3 examples. And, (on June 7 to June 13) was taken bad last week 9091 examples, the critically ill case 117 examples, non-death case.

But Qingdao from January 1 accumulates to June 13 is taken bad 4593 examples, critically ill case 111 examples, non-death case. And, was taken bad last week several 1080 examples, the critically ill case 19 examples, non-death case. Looked from this city since this year hand and foot stomatopathy's morbidity situation that the morbidity presents the trend of escalation,red baby socks, moreover Shan Zhou is taken bad several thousand.

The temperature humidity change is a cause

Last week the sick person was very many, we were unbearably busy quickly. City Pediatric hospital infectious disease department grandson fukien orchid cymbidium ensifolium director introduced to reporter, before every day accepted the sick person were most 50, but the last week basic accepted every day the sick people had more than 60.

Last week's cloudy rainy day were quite many, the temperature was not very high, how could the sick person these many? Regarding this, the grandson fukien orchid cymbidium ensifolium said that although the last week the date high temperature was not very high, but the date most low temperature elevated, simultaneously the humidity increased, but the hand and foot mouth's morbidity was with the temperature with the humidity related,(Related Articles“seventh night of the seventh lunar month talk between lovers for husband, so long as spoke a few words), therefore last week's sick person increased.

The grandson fukien orchid cymbidium ensifolium said that except sends the case newly, but also has the old sick person who every day comes to infuse, therefore they are busy at running around in circles every day. In order to guarantee sees a doctor the quality, the hospital increases the manpower to the infectious disease department,cheap kids clothing, nurse increased from original 9 to present's 13, will start from 18th also to increase a doctor, guaranteed patient's demand.

on 1-and-a-half year old of boy life-support machine

We have accepted last week also a seriously injured sick person. In the city Pediatric hospital branch Director Wang Wendi introduced to reporter that this sick person was a Pingdu's young boy, this year only then -and-a-half years old, on June 7 past 4:00 pm deliver the medicine, at that time the situation was quite serious, is at is addicted to rests the condition, the brain presses is very high, the heart rate was very quick, the oxygen degree of saturation also dropped, high fever to 40 degrees.

They made the sternum to the child, the sternum have demonstrated the child already the lung water. Because the condition is serious, they hurried to give on the child the life-support machine, underwent more than two hour treatments, child's situation already changed for the better. Wang Wendi introduced that afterward underwent three day-long treatment, the child condition is stable, now already changed to the ward. Delivers the medicine to be quite prompt luckily, otherwise was again late one day-long words very much to have the possibility to spit blood.

Now sick person quantity many, but the condition compared lightly with the old times many. Wang Wendi introduced to reporter that same time last year, in one day on the life-support machine probably had 13, but this year's degree did not have so to be last year serious, on life-support machine's sick person were very few.

Wang Wendi analyzed that looking from in hospital sick person, these sick people by the countryside and the external hiring out for working personnel's child majority, causes the morbidity the reason to be the sanitary condition is bad. Therefore, the guardian must child's hygienic pass,baby socks that look like shoes, some children have now eats hand's custom, the guardian wants certainly to pay attention, lets the child wash the hands industriously, pays attention the oral hygiene, simultaneously usually uses the tableware must disinfect frequently.

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The newest investigation showed that our country in 13 to 18 year-old young people web cam has the net addiction proportion to reach 17.1%, occupies various ages section first place. Reporter (on March 31) found yesterday, the municipal cooperative unites the sponsor a network psychologically healthy education seminar investigation to demonstrate, the network has a bad effect on the child by no means the chief criminal,funny baby girl clothes, does not educate, when is causes the net addiction the primary cause.

This investigation which launches by the Chinese Young people Network Association, object including this city national 30 big city 15023 young people.

The attendance conference's Chinese Society Psychology Academic society executive member of the council, Tianjin Normal university psychology Professor Jia Xiaobo indicated yesterday that what behind the net addiction representation should reconsider is the young people grows not allow to neglect psychologically healthy education and the guidance. Jia Xiaobo believed that many guardians and the school expostulate the student not to want to access the net, to think was the network has harmed the child, evaded to the network game still fears, actually had loses biased. In the real life,louis vuitton kids shoes, the child shoulders the studies and so on each pressure, in cannot obtain in the satisfied situation,cheap kids shoes, will seek the sense of belonging from the network world, this will be creates the young people net addiction the basic cause.

Attending Southern University psychology Professor Yuan Xin indicated that the network is teacher, the guardian and the student exchanges the communication to provide the convenient platform,(Related Articles(on home page) each monthly total has such several days,), develops the network forward significance fully, uses this tool to guide the young people healthy development, is worth the discussion and the attention from all walks of life.

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The expert thought that the young people outstanding personal character fostering, the home education is very important

Zhangjiagang first day the female student Guo Qin, during 7 years successively to the impoverished mountainous area, the Child Welfare home contributes grants aid the thing 63,000 Yuan. But these offerings, are mostly she attain the literature award item repeatedly, the publication fairy tale collection and so on comes bonus and payment for published piece.

Guo Qin father Guo inborn has an account, records daughter's compassion to grow for .7 years, she to the Child Welfare home, the charity helps the poor the foundation and so on to contribute her article successively
Studies the bonus, the payment for published piece 45,000 Yuan, contributes the book more than 900 books, contributes clothes more than 30, subsidizes 47 impoverished disabled students, accumulates contributes to the society grants aid the thing 63,000 Yuan.

Supports the Guo Qin compassion motion, is she attains each kind of literature award item repeatedly same time in the donation: 17th session of pure-heart prize in literature, Anderson cup nation children's literature big game prize, Hong Kong youth prize in literature and so on; In last November, Guo Qin fairy tale collection "Bud" official publication.

Father Guo inborn believed that child's conduct education is more important than the knowledge education. Guo Qin mother Chen Fazhi believed that Guo Qin has inherited father's gene, in the past we when were in love, he once completely donated 4 month-long wages an unknown military dependant. He has nicely moved me.

in July,coach kids shoes, 2005, Guo Qinsui the parents goes to the Shanxi Province Hanyin County to see the grandfather grandmother. Here just encountered the consecutive number date the especially big rainstorm and the flood, the school and the road is burst. Guo Qin puts out 1000 Yuan bonuses to donate the local elementary school; At the end of last year, she donated 3000 Yuan payments for published piece to the Ningxia impoverished mountainous area's children; This year, the Wenchuan big earthquake occurs the second day, she rushes to the post office, donates the disaster area 4000 Yuan payments for published piece, and donates more than 300 this to the disaster area elementary student to create and to publish "Bud" the fairy tale collection.

In fact,newborn outfits, this family does not calculate wealthily in Southern Jiangsu. Guo inborn was a Zhangjiagang some Governmental agency's ordinary staff, the Guo Qin mother comes off sentry duty in 2002, at present only had the odd-job. Thrifty is the family of three mottos. Usually, in the Guo Qin pocket, the spending money never surpasses 10 Yuan.

Guo inborn said: Guo Qinjuan exits the money, regarding our family is not a small number. But the child can help others such warm-heartedly, is also we take, we who the guardian hoped frequently encourage her, definitely her procedure.

Helps the poor the foremost person in the field besides the Chinese ten thirty-year olds, titles of honor and so on national civilized young people pivot man, in April makes known in 2007 year China charitable prize announcement, Guo Qin wins the Chinese charitable prize nomination prize.

Facing the media interview, girl's words are brief and are pure: Helps others, I am very joyful!

Zhangjiagang often cocculus tunbergii experiment middle school Principal Qin Li introduced that Guo Qin was the excellent in conduct and academy student, in the school, her each semester was the entire eugenics; Outside the classroom, her urheen performance obtains the China Conservatory 9 levels,Dota Items, the Shanghai Conservatory 10 levels. Looks like in her,(Related Articlesgirls swimwear Because two second day students a t), the Guo Qin growth path, demonstrated the new generation young people have dared to undertake the community responsibility superior quality; But action the Guo Qin more than 7 year of compassion, also lets the people even more realize, young people outstanding personal character fostering, home education very vital role.

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A baby may obtain the good nutrition from the formula milk, but the mother's milk is without a doubt best. You in any event choose, remember you just satisfy baby's belly. Equals the time: Is hugging her intimately, looks at her gently,baby dolls, like this you also raise her the mind.

Mother's milk and the artificial feeding first time

Breast feeding's mother starts to nurse needs some help frequently, in many situations, in the maid or nurses under consultant's help the question easy to solve.

Artificial feeding's mother possibly needs to try the nipple - - - - to use the baby formula milk under pediatrician's help.

What reminder attention is:

Ever do not give you the baby to eat the milk; (However because she cannot digest it formula milk to be very good).

Ever do not the milk bottle support in your baby's between lips; Will do this will cause the baby tooth rotten or suffocates.

If you in microwave oven hot formula milk, sways the milk bottle to break the hot milk any small massive,kids clothes, before nurses to the baby careful inspection milk temperature.

The majority of newborns every other one to three hours feed one time,baby gift, even if in the night is also this.

How if she did eat to the full told you? You should hear the baby to swallow frequently, she should have 6-8 wet paper diapers every day, has two bowel movements at least. Eats formula milk baby every 3-4 hours to eat 2-3 ounces,(Related Articles[before mother rests, talks on endlessly] the mother and child evening's verboseness), must increase in one month to 3-4 ounces. If your baby does not have the interest to eat you to like frequently that many, do not force her. But every several other hours must try to feed her, if one day of she continual two times refuses to nurse, must ask pediatrician.

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Many baby time's babies very much will like eating the finger, the increase supplementary food are later more prominent, when the baby may under the activity, but will suck in time the microcheiria which already smeared, the guardian worried that will then grow day by day.

Governs this what means with to suck refers to the hobby? The expert pointed out that corrects the child to eat finger's bad usual practice, should educate and the shift attention primarily. But to 1-3 year-old child must inspect whether needs to make up a zinc .3 year-old above child also should key guard parasitic disease. Doctor did not advocate that with smudges means and so on Chinese goldthread rhizome to correct the young child to suck refers.

Sucks refers to the hobby from where?

Guangzhou first People's Hospital department of pediatrics Director Professor Yu Li pointed out that the most babies are start from 3 months to suck the finger, after 6 month increase supplementary food displays obviously, will follow cuts teeth will form the peak gradually. In this process, sucks the finger is not only the custom makes to cause to so, simultaneously also has the alleviation to cut teeth the ill effect, what but are more is eliminates restlessly, is agitated, the tense mood, has the sedative activity. According to overseas research discovery, in this time, if compulsory lets the baby stop eating the hand, will cause the baby to have the rebellious attitude, after growing up, will change forms has the striking power the disposition. Therefore, 2 year-old beforehand baby has eats hand's behavior, the guardian does not need to be too anxious, cannot the tender mercies.

However, eats the hand to the child to follow has eats the paper, grasps the wall, the appetite is bad, hair yellow, the stature short phenomenon, the guardian do not want to despise, the best belt child makes a trace element examination, has a look whether to lack the zinc. Yu Li said that 1-3 years old are the long body's crucial phases,fashion kids clothing, lacks the zinc to be able to affect child's growth, should intervene promptly. In addition, after 3 year-old child and the outside contact are more, because sucks the finger to cause parasitic disease to be quite common, this is also the factor which the guardian wants to consider.

Corrects the first step: Education guidance

The disparity in age stage's child sucks refers to the hobby the reason to be different, but Yu Li believed that if does not have any unusual symptom, should take educate the guidance as the most important way, and pays attention helps the child to wash the hands frequently, causes the gastro-intestinal tract infection by against bacterium invasion.

First step is the parents self-examination, has gives the child certain concern and sympathizes, lets the child obtain loves with the security sense. Yu Li said that if the parents accompany the child the time to be very few, between parents' sentiment is not harmonious, teaches to the child too anxious or crude, the child was wronged in outside or in the home, locates the environment and faces the human is very strange and so on, will cause the children to have the fear, restless psychology, will thus strengthen sucks finger's bad usual practice. Regarding this, what the parents want to do cares about the child, reduces the child to be bored as far as possible, is lonely, temperately guides them to understand that eats finger's fault, and encourages them to insist to correct. The appropriate praise and the enough patience are essential. If the child still did not listen, will let doctor tell them to eat hand's harm to be effective.

Corrects the second step: Shift attention

Compares the severe accusation, beats and scolds, the shift attention is one unwise procedure. For instance, lets the child carry on begins to play, lets his both hands not have time,(Related ArticlesMother the ear broken! (mother) is obedient really!),homemade baby gifts, or attracts him with other toys, but may also lead the child to exit to play, lets him obtain the knowledge in the multi-colored world, the growth experience, forgets the original bad custom gradually. Regarding young baby, but may also make the small cloth glove, or ties down the finger with the gauze, prevents him to eat the hand directly. But, did not advocate that on the finger spreads the taste for the child, for instance Chinese goldthread rhizome water, hot pepper water and so on, in order to avoid affects child's appetite,kids pajamas, the Chinese goldthread rhizome has the clearing heat and detoxication effect, ate many have also been possible to cause the diarrhea, the vomit.

Corrects the third step: Makes up the zinc suitably

When the education guidance and the shift attention do not solve the problem, must have a look at the child to have the trace element to lack. It is reported that 12 year-old child sucks the finger, nips the thing randomly, does a lot of talking very has the possibility is lacks the zinc the performance, some also merges lacks the iron, lacks the copper, lacks the calcium.

Lacks the zinc most typical characteristic is the pica, the child appetite is not good, actually likes eating not the normal thing, for instance slip of paper, wall ash, soil and so on. Because lacks the zinc to be able to affect child's growth, this kind of child often has a liking for the topping to turn yellow, not long high, grows must fall behind compared to the normal child. Yu Li said that to 1-3 year-old child, suggested the guardian makes up the zinc suitably for them. Even if the micro examination said that has not lacked the zinc, may also make up few. In the normal condition, previous day drank a package of gluconic acid zinc powder (to be possible when water drinks at different times), drinks continuously for 1-2 months, is advantageous to this age stage's child. If the guardian thinks did not feel relieved, eats the seafood product for the child to be also good, but the premise is the appetite is good, can eat the thing.

Kids Shoes The male and female teacher proportion serious makes the guardian to worry unbalancedly

Guardian Ms. Wang the education is anxious to the son: My son has been female teacher teaches from the kindergarten to the elementary school, I worried really, the child gets down to turn effeminate like this. Reporter in the interview found yesterday, in Yantai Elementary school teachers troop, brother's daughter teacher, female teacher in charge to female principal ......The female occupies the absolute main force.

Elementary school: Female teacher's world

The Yantai Worker Children Elementary school has 61 teachers, male teacher 11, is the teacher in charge in 20 teachers, has two is the male. Not come singly but in pairs, Yantai raises the elementary school to altogether have teacher 62, male teacher 8, in 20 teachers in charge have 1 is the male teachers in charge. Reporter discovered to the Yantai urban district some elementary and middle schools' investigation that in the elementary school,Kids Shoes, majority school female teachers occupies the ratio to reach above 80%, even some schools achieve above 90%. Male and female teacher the average proportion approximately is 1:10.

Many school principals mentioned that this question, unanimously sighed, elementary school male teacher are too few. Labor Xiao Principal Cao said: Male and female teacher the proportion is very unbalancedly common in the elementary and middle schools, no matter which school, occupies majority definitely is female teacher, in the teaching activity,(Related ArticlesBaby Clothes The role game may train the high disc), the school also hoped that the male and female teacher's proportion is more reasonable some,bulk baby bibs, supplemented that some male teachers to the teacher troop, may, the giving public notice of entrance examination teacher, female teacher the proportion very be in fact high every year. The school choice space is small. Male and female teacher the proportion unbalanced is broken very difficultly.

Guardian Mr. Liu said: In the child educates in the process, father and mother are similarly important. In school edition, in many school classrooms uniform female teacher, creates child's disposition tends the feminization, this fosters to their disposition, the physical and moral integrity is disadvantageous, if in the technical thought and the beginning ability aspect, male teacher should occupy a superiority, corresponding female teacher is careful, patience some, if male and female teacher the proportion is balanced, can cause the child to form a more comprehensive disposition, but not as for flaw some on the one hand.

Male teacher: Lonely and is being joyful

Why is the grade teacher men and women proportion out of balance? Some teachers said that concerns with the old idea. The majority enters the teacher ranks male teacher said: Receives the family to have half bowl of Liang since childhood, does not work as king of the children's thought influence, the teacher is not the own first choice, was only at that time under the examination, reasons and so on employment pressure, did teacher. Some elementary school fifth grade's teacher in charge Mr./Mrs. Liu said: Speaks the truth, takes an elementary school male teacher, also is very sometimes lonely, because in office 78 teachers my male, sometimes really feels is very irritable, the speech also wants the special attention, the joke not to be able to open casually, wants to go to hit movements and so on basketball, asks a partner to be very also difficult. However I and the student communicate am very happy, leads the student to make some games frequently, receives the student and the guardian very much welcome, indeed a little sweetie pie feeling. Also some male teachers said that discussed the object often meets awkwardly. An opposite party tin will be elementary school male teacher will think that will be effeminate. This possibly is also male teacher a few reason.

Teaches the body bureau: Introduces teacher to look at the result

About the male and female teacher imbalance's question, the Yantai chefoo area taught the body bureau concerned people in charge saying:In the last few years, Educational department also in tries to enhance in the teacher troop the male teacher's proportion. School introduction's teachers are through the way unification introduction which gives public notice of entrance examination. Looking from the registration, the male university student who responds to a call for recruits also many, but a test, arranges in the front female student occupies the majority. When the female student examines by writing easy to test the high score, when the interview the verbal skill also gets the advantage. Chooses the superior principle in line with superior,baby gift ideas, we are also helpless.

Discussion: Whether gives public notice of entrance examination to incline to the male

Yantai Worker Children Elementary school Principal Cao suggested that if wants to increase the male teacher's proportion, should, in the teacher gives public notice of entrance examination on inclines suitably to male teacher, enhances male teacher to give public notice of entrance examination suitably the plan. Some Normal schools graduate male university student various aspects ability is very good, possibly interviews when the verbal skill and the scene performance ability is inferior to the female student, but not necessarily teaches the aspect not to be good, may after trying to say enrolls. Hoped that enters the teacher troop to Normal school's male student the channel to be broader a spot, such school's male and female teacher the proportion can be balanced gradually.


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This article has carried on the depth research analysis to 6.65 new British milter person travelling by night dark contract, hoped that has the help to everybody actual combat.

One: Skill introduction

Dark contract:


Sacrifices own part of lives, 2 seconds later to take oneself as the center, in 325 scopes the enemy side unit causes the damage,armani kids clothing, and relieves own negative condition.

Opposes the enemy the injury: 75/150/225/300

Sphere of action: 325

Black magic consumption: 55/50/45/40

Cooling time: 10 seconds

Attention: To own injury after skill use creates immediately, the injury value to oppose the enemy half.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Two: Skill explanation

The dark contract skill becomes effective the process to be as follows:


The use skill, creates 37.5/75/112.5/150 points to oneself[magic arts attack black magic injury], is also this injury may use the evil spirit anti-reduction and by the nihility condition increased range, simultaneously this injury with troops' double-edged sword equally not lethal least surplus 1 HP.


after 2 seconds, the skill starts to cause the damage, this injury is the partition, the range estimate is 5 sections probably, altogether creates 75/150/225/300 spot[magic arts attack black magic injury], simultaneously in the animation effect appears time scatters the negative effect.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Three: Scatters the negative effect test

1. development class effect

The fish person guards the injury deepens - - can scatter

The monetary reward hunter's tracing technique - - can scatter

Dust of the development - - can scatter!!!

2. silence class effect

The weekend messenger's weekend - - cannot scatter

The death prophet's silence - - can scatter

The dark knight-errant's silence - - can scatter

The blood evil spirit's blood wild - - can scatter

The female celestial dragon's mark of crecent moon - - can scatter

Silences master's entire domain silence - - to be able to scatter!!!

Note: In silences under the condition not to be able to use the skill, therefore the wish scatters this kind of effect, should the beneficial occupancy 1 skill consciously, if the enemy will coordinate to use this kind of skill very much within 2 second detention to you to scatter the silence effect (except weekend big move)

3. other limits class

The dizziness - - cannot use to scatter the silence the way to scatter, including the double headed dragon to freeze the way and riddle detesting

Changes the sheep - - can use to scatter the silence the way to scatter

The shadow Sa Man shackles - - cannot scatter

The bat knight's flame shackles - - cannot scatter

Source of the sleep - - pain (nightmare) may use to scatter the silence the way to scatter

The sea-nymph (song of the sea-nymph) can only scatter the animation effect

The winding - - quartz room female (ice-bound ban) the tree fine bodyguard (fast growth) can scatter

The feudal lord (resentment reads abyss) not to be able to scatter

Entraps - - accepts adds the sea-nymph (to entrap) can scatter, Bo Shi (fetter of the place), can also scatter theoretically

The blowing - - Eul sacred method stick, the panda heavy drinker - - storm's hurricane,(Related Articlescheap kids shoes lol heroic alliance steel and iro),baby doll lyrics, can use to scatter the silence the way to scatter

The obsidian deconstruction's star body imprisonment - - cannot scatter

4. deceleration class

(As soon as the deceleration - - panda heavy drinker thunder strikes), the bear soldier (shocks the earth) the kind not to be able to scatter

The dead souls fly the dragon (underground spring to shiver) the kind to be able to scatter

Wu Yao (frost nova) the kind cannot scatter

The ghostdom Asia dragon (pallas pit viper surprise attack), the violently poisonous master (malaria),baby blanket, painful queen (shadow surprise attack) the kind can scatter

The illusory image assassin (suffocates edge) to be able to scatter

The God warrior (sacrifice) can scatter

The bat knight (stickiness fuel oil) can scatter

The Kaaba assassin (spirit can trap) be able to scatter

The nihility - - forgets master (senilly) to be able to scatter

In addition: Stick of the ghost can scatter

The stinger - - violently poisonous master's stinger as well as the king of beasts porcupine's stinger, cannot scatter

The purification - - snake sends the female monster petrochemical staring, edge's of the disappearing purification, can scatter

5. some continue the blood class effect

Master's dark word technique - - cannot scatter

The axe king's fight hunger thirsty - - cannot scatter

The God warrior boils the blood spear - - not to be able to scatter

Blood evil spirit's tearing - - cannot scatter

6. some negative effects

Source of the painful weak - - can scatter

7. some beneficial effects

The double hierograph, the acceleration hierograph - - can scatter

The black emperor stick's evil spirit exempts - - can scatter

The versatile knight's evil spirit exempts as well as the big move of guardian angel - - can scatter

Sets up the fine bodyguard's tree armor as well as Wu Yao the ice armor - - can scatter

Half person of mammoth's Canada attacks - - can scatter

Dark sage's galloping - - can scatter

The region feudal lord's shield of non-light - - cannot scatter

The dark sage's ion shield - - cannot scatter

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The test condition is limited, has the omission to ask respectfully the excuse me.

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Yesterday was mother-in-law's birthday. Past 7:00 pm we ate meal telephone. Mother they have not eaten meal. In the family has come the visitor. Husband's younger sister. Also has the recognizing dry daughter and does the son-in-law. Also has his family's child 0.3 children. Younger sister family's child. Altogether five children good lively. Afterward we approximately were good 8:30 to access the net the video frequency to look at the baby.,baby accessories

Eight o'clock I was impatient. Landed in families and so on QQ to access the net first 0.8:30 to come up punctually. First is and the younger sister video frequency. Then mother-in-law hugged is coming really vast. The treasure was too lovable. He met now. Held his a while not to be willing. Under wants ground to walk is playing with that several elder sisters. Now walks does smiles. The buttocks lift eight character legs to walk well quick. Mother-in-law fears him to trip and fall,baby dolls toys,(Related Articlesbaby socks fashion [topic] JAX and PAN, actually w), must go to hold him. But he does not want the important person to hold. The effort casts off person's hand. My also worry was distorts with the diaper wet leg. The younger sister said that just studied the babies who walks like this to walk.

Really vast thin has been much better. Long high many. The face changed is small. Brains long many black. Tooth steadily six. Hits when the prophylactic inoculation physical examination all are normal. Video frequency grandfather was also feeding last night eats the watermelon really vast. Grandfather is hugging when him. He saw above the book shelf to put the electricity mosquito racket. He extends the hand to point at above,new baby gift baskets, between lips did not stop is saying anything. The meaning is needs to go to take. Grandfather has not helped him to take. He on the brace brace which does not stop in grandfather's bosom. Was wild with joy me and really vast daddy.

He met now. Always wants in ground to play. Also several children he always want to go to snatch the toy to play. Therefore video frequency how long he couldn't have taken a seat. We asked under father and mother the body is good. Does the birthday have does well eats. Not how long we also on winding. That side child are too many. Too noisy

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The toy in the child grows is playing the formative education role which influences subtly, is the children most loves. In recent years, inspired the creation free imagination space, cultivated and stimulates child's imagination to have the advertisement primarily the longan class toy, has attracted many guardian's eyeballs. But the longan class toy can really the longan? For the last few days,(Related ArticlesSo called pre school education community area it to community's service), the author has carried on the investigation to the capital toy market.

The longan toy price is mostly high

On August 5, the author in the Vidor advantage commercial building, day Yuan Shiao and so on several large-scale market's toy counters saw that the intelligence assembling toy, the jigsaw puzzle, assembles longan class toys and so on helicopter, suspends at the counter conspicuously place. Some well-known toy brand, but is also equipped with the longan class toy special area specially. Was choosing toy's Mr. Wang to say to the author: The child plays the longan class toy not only happily in which,fashion kids clothing, but may also promote child's intelligence growth in the amusement.

It is known that the longan class toy price is mostly high,baby bibs, for instance, assembles the building, the helicopter, toys and so on armored vehicle, the price between 60 Yuan ~150 Yuan, a set of electronic building block and the magnetic force rod cluster dissembles has, the price reaches 300 multi-dimensional.

On August 6, the author has visited some child toy wholesale house, discovered that the longan class toy to assembles the building block again from the simple the evil spirit ruler to the Rubik's cube, the polarization of rich and poor card and so on has everything expected to find, the wholesale price from several Yuan to several dozens Yuan even over a hundred Yuan different. The author discovered that these longan class toy and the traditional toy compares, was only many change which colors or slit the law, some were even same as the traditional toy, only the nominal might develop the child intelligence on the packing, the function actually more or less the same, but both price phase difference was actually disparate.

The longan toy can really the longan?

On August 2, the family lives in the Huhhot School garden Zhang Wei in a supermarket saw that teaches early to one section machine, price-marks 380 Yuan, installs the battery, inserts the card, so long as presses on the card gently with the finger the character, will teach machine to teach the child early to recognize people, is literate. Zhang Wei thought that this is develops the child intelligence the good thing, many have not wanted to buy. Had not thought that she 3 year-old son played several times has thrown in one side, took again, was plays the switch, simply was not willing to understand that taught machine in story early, the nursery song.

Teaches machine the instruction booklet according to the morning to introduce, its function includes is literate, mathematics, natural general knowledge, story, nursery song, ancient poetry and so on. Zhang Wei said reluctantly that this is a factory purely to attract the consumer eyeball, will use you to discover that these functions will simply not be that a matter. She gives the author to demonstrate the study English letter, English letter pronunciation which and the normal pronunciation the learning machine sends out has the difference obviously. As for nursery song, story and so on, although has the picture, but quantity are not many, the content is simple, lacks interestingly.

The guardian knows not comprehensively

Industry in is advantageous in the child intelligence grows, the body grows the toy integrates the longan class toy's ranks. On Zhaowuda road a toy store boss Chen Xiaoyu to the author: In fact, the longan class toy's scope is very broad, is divided the disparity in age stage to have. Now many guardians are not comprehensive to the longan class toy's understanding, when buys the toy to the child, very difficult to play the true guidance role.

Because many guardians hope that a son will grow up to be successful cherished, the result flickers by the so-called child longan class toy. But can actually these toys develop the intelligence, nobody is clear.

The country not yet releases the longan toy standard

At present our country not yet releases the longan class toy standard. The person concerned believed that in has not been clear about the standard at present in the situation, some toy factory and the business propagandize the child longan class toy excessively, has the false propaganda, misleads suspicion of the consumer.

The Normal university Attached middle school is engaged in teaching profession many year Mr./Mrs. Su Meng to believe that some child longan class toy to enhances child's beginning and moves the brain ability to have certain function truly, but the present child toy disruption of the market, lets the human be very difficult to judge it to have how many to the child intelligence help, therefore the Department concerned has the necessity to draw up the toy to enhance the child intelligence function the judgment standard, standard toy market. Su Meng said that in the early education many guardians simply did not know the child needs anything, is only constantly promotes the child through the external method to grasp some things, to child's early education not any function. In the educational mode must adopt the diverse method to the pre-schooler,kids clothing, the best guardian can direct and the child exchanges, such effect will be better, the child will be also easier to accept.


newborn baby clothes The man suspected that the adopted son steals the money to beat savagely unexpe

Is stolen 100 Yuan after by his adoption's young boy, is in conspiracy with other 2 adult males to kill unexpectedly this 6 year-old young boy. Yesterday,newborn baby clothes, because three wreaking havoc were a suspect the assault the courtyard to stand trial intentionally in Wuhan.

It is reported that stands trial 3 men rent in Jianghan area Jin Jiadun in a private residence, ordinary day as lives take the larceny, the including 2 people year to year take drugs .2008 year some day, defendant in Hankou Train station saw that roams about the young boy to one, alone a person squats in the roadside, loses color, then brings back to it in the family to adopt.

After looking up, on September 3, 2009 evening, because suspected that the child has stolen his 100 Yuan,baby doll, then with another two defendant Asia some, the gram some in rents the dwelling, slings after the leather belt 6 year-old young boy, beats. Next day about 6:00, the child already did not have to breathe .3 men to hurry it sends in the Wuhan 11th hospital treatment,(Related Articlesreborn baby dolls Treasure summer day beach travel), but child because of wound shock, after rescue invalid death.

3 men see the child to kill, escape the hospital, doctor in attendance report to the police immediately. Some runs up to Zhongshan after Asia the main road, once more returns to the hospital inquiry, is captured on the scene by the police. But the gram some surrenders in that evening to the local police station.

In the courtyard, said that he is very deep with the child sentiment, every day goes home to teach him to write, paints pictures. At that time hit the child is to teach it not to steal the thing, in order to avoid stepped onto own old route. He at that time completely had not thought that can kill the child.

You said that likes this child, to have thought like this whips the child, he is not received? Judge interrogates fierce, immediately not language. The prosecutor presents evidence immediately: Three people rent the dwelling the resident said that this young boy usually maltreats on Chang Shou, is hit the whole body blue and purple.

The being killed young boy's elder sister is found by the court, and appears in court the civil action plaintiff person who holds the post of this case to supplement. Death of facing the separate many year younger brothers, the elder sister chokes with sobs, requests three defendants total to compensate 500,black baby socks,000 Yuan.

This case will pick a lucky day judged.

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[The DOTA information] IceFrog renews the DOTA6.68 progress: Will have the massive new DOTA new hero to join

From previous IceFrog announced after DOTA6.68 will join the new hero, passed through period of time, when will have unceasingly plays the family to inquire 6.68 at the playdota forum to IceFrog only then to be published,punk baby clothes, IceFrog recently was renewing own blog, indicated that 6.68 will have the massive new heroes to join. Simultaneously he plans issues a 68 introduction video frequency.

IceFrog:Dota6.68 still in manufacture. We plan period of time to issue that a video frequency demonstrates 6.68 some new elements. Will present the new hero in the new edition, therefore our present main work guarantees these new hero's quality. At the same time,kids shoes, we also will make some improvements and the adjustment in the new edition to game's balanced state as well as many other contents. If you have any suggestion to the new edition,(Related Articlesgifts for kids The classical village in a mountain),baby doll, please tell me.

The DOTA Chinese net will also bring in the newest DotA industry information

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This article reprints by the PCgames moderator from the Internet reprint please do carry on the related statement contribution please to click enters the forum

Widow manufacturer - Iraq lotus Lin Evelynn

1. introduction

This is my first captures, why can make Evelynn to capture? Recently I have played many game of Evelynn in the game, I discovered that this is an unusual illusion Gank hero,(Related Articleskids clothes The scientific research discovered th), she is nearly omnipotent in the game: Gank, chases down and kills, detection.

2. heroic skill

The murderer will (passive) - Ivor Lin may reduce 50% to come from dogface's attack.

In my opinion this is an earlier period very useful skill,green baby gift baskets, reduces 50% injuries to be possible to let you be safer.

Thorn of the hatred - causes certain black magic damage immediately to the recent enemy, causes 50% damage to the second near enemy, executes the law to be away from 20.

This is one may use for to make up knife's skill frequently.

Dark movie fan trace - Iraq lotus Lin vanishes in the shadow, 1.5 seconds later enters moves under water the condition. Her next attack or the injury skill dizzy goal, will execute the law to be away from 200.

The Evelynn stealth and the dizziness skill, are precisely this skill enable her to become an outstanding assassin, this skill's main application includes:

1: The detection - inspects in the grove whether to have prepares gank you the enemy, and informs the teammate

2: Escapes -, if some people chase down and kill you, then uses this skill to escape

3:Gank-Eve is splendid Ganker, when you start attacks some goal time to remind you the teammate to kill him together

4: Chases down and kills -, if you see in the woods to have anemia's enemy hero, you knew how to do

This article reprints by the PCgames moderator from the Internet reprint please do carry on the related statement contribution please to click enters the forum

Widow manufacturer - Iraq lotus Lin Evelynn

1. introduction

This is my first captures,gifts for kids, why can make Evelynn to capture? Recently I have played many game of Evelynn in the game, I discovered that this is an unusual illusion Gank hero, she is nearly omnipotent in the game: Gank, chases down and kills, detection.

2. heroic skill

The murderer will (passive) - Ivor Lin may reduce 50% to come from dogface's attack.

In my opinion this is an earlier period very useful skill, reduces 50% injuries to be possible to let you be safer.

Thorn of the hatred - causes certain black magic damage immediately to the recent enemy,infant baby clothes, causes 50% damage to the second near enemy, executes the law to be away from 20.

This is one may use for to make up knife's skill frequently.

Dark movie fan trace - Iraq lotus Lin vanishes in the shadow, 1.5 seconds later enters moves under water the condition. Her next attack or the injury skill dizzy goal, will execute the law to be away from 200.

The Evelynn stealth and the dizziness skill, are precisely this skill enable her to become an outstanding assassin, this skill's main application includes:

1: The detection - inspects in the grove whether to have prepares gank you the enemy, and informs the teammate

2: Escapes -, if some people chase down and kill you, then uses this skill to escape

3:Gank-Eve is splendid Ganker, when you start attacks some goal time to remind you the teammate to kill him together

4: Chases down and kills -, if you see in the woods to have anemia's enemy hero, you knew how to do


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On February 16, this city 1,200,000 elementary and middle school students welcome the new semester. At the opening ceremony,toddler toys, the safe education and the wish serve into the majority of schools to carry on the new semester education to the student the subject, the fire protection knowledge, the traffic safety and so on become begin school the first class content.

Begins school the first class

CCTV fire expedites the fire protection class

The fire comes temporary, cannot be flurried, certainly wants calmly ......Yesterday 8:00 am, Beijing two high two (5) class of first hall classes were start from a section of sketch performance: Two schoolmates at home are playing the computer, has smelled the strange taste suddenly, afterward the discovery was the kitchen catches fire. Flurried, two schoolmates telephone also stammeringly, after attaining the fire extinguisher, did not know how to use ......

In view of the sketch performance's content, how do onlooking schoolmates kibitz in abundance come facing the fire. Afterward, how did schoolmates also use other 3 self-written and directed sketches to reappear have used electricity safely, how alone to face the stranger to knock on a door,kids clothing wholesale, how to prevent in escaping to step on. Feels to this year CCTV's fire shocks very much, therefore is borrowing this matter,(Related Articlesnewborn girl dresses [peripheral]TEE7 camp series-), strengthens student's safety consciousness well. Teacher in charge Wang Meisheng said that each semester begins school, school each class has the safe education series education and training division.

Reporter found, after CCTV fire occurs, the city Education Committee requests various middle and elementary schools to carry out the self-examination safe hidden danger activity, to some concrete questions proposed reorganizes plan. After being clear requests various schools begin school, must even more emphatically emphasize elementary and middle schools' safe educational work, the propaganda safe guard general knowledge,baby dolls, emergency processing method, security knowledge and so on safe matters needing attention.

The elementary school begins school studies the traffic signal first

Yesterday morning, the Chongwen District ching t'ai elementary school's students in began school in the first class, has listened to a hall traffic safety class. Not only the students have studied the traffic signal, will also remind the guardian to observe the traffic safety.

Not only in the classroom, teacher key aimed at each kind of traffic signal which the school peripheral set up to carry on the explanation explanation, but also requested the student to prompt the guardian to send and pick up the high and low study period to observe the traffic signal, alleviated the school on peripheral to leave class the peak time interval transportation to support stops up.

Reporter from the Chongwen transportation crew found that the traffic safety class has been included Chongwen District many schools the class schedules, moreover to the entire district all school promotion.

Your family treasure will lie prone is sleeping

My family is really vast always likes lying prone is sleeping??,(Related Articlesbaby bibs The kindergarten sunlight treasure speak
Did not know why this is?
Like this has a good sleep not well?
Your treasure has rests like this?

funny baby bibs The girl contracts the rare sickness left leg to be shorter than eight centimeters t

Yesterday afternoon 4:00, 13 year-old girl Zhang Yanqin peacefully lay down on the hospital bed,funny baby bibs, just was issue of orthopedics surgery's her, did not cry not noisily, is only the face inked ribbon malnutrition wax yellow. Her parents one left one stands right nearby the hospital bed, worried that sees this their only daughter.

She just had made surgery's left calf, is entangling the thick bandage, can also see the careful through metal indistinctly. This height only had 135 centimeters little girls, the left leg has been unexpectedly shorter than the right leg the enough 8 centimeters!

I good hoped that the left leg can be a bit faster good, can walk equally with other child goes to school.

Stands, can skip rope equally the high jump with other contemporaries, is this girl now the biggest dream.

When six months after calf bone fracture,

Again also very

Zhang Yanqin native place in the Zhejiang Longyou Hengshan Town Image of the god of the huanghe River used in sacrifical worship in ancient times village. That time affected her life the accident to occur in swallow qin six month-long time. She is pounded by the stool the left calf close ankle area place, the bone fracture, had not thought that dropped the disability.

Has the belt child to look. Opened daddy saying that at that time led the child to wear a cast to the county hospital, but always did not improve; Afterward arrived at the local two hospitals to undergo three surgeries successively, around spent 40,baby blanket,000 multi-dimensional.

Child's mother has serious humpbacked, this countryside family complete source of income can only count on the only three Chinese acre places, one year also on more than 2000 dollars: Makes surgery's 40,(Related Articlesbaby bibs funny onesies From manages the garden ch),000 dollars is borrows, presently the house at home also very broken, is the clay wall.

But this has reposed more than 40,000 Yuan which the whole family hope that has not brought the result which they anticipated: Zhang Yanqin's bone fracture has not been able to heal, she is unable to walk nearly. Along with hers growth, Zhang Yanqin's left calf likely withered has been same, was shorter than more and more the right leg.

Has the dream dream to be equally long to two legs

She is happy is not willing to wake

Arrived at the age which in an instant goes to school. Zhang Yanqin longs for going to school, because does not have the means to walk, she is every day daddy rides the storage battery car to send and pick up, carries again to the classroom attends class.

But goes to school the day not is carefree. To the class recess, Zhang Yanqin has only been able to sit before the school desk reads, looks eagerly other children flush the rubber band skipping, the rope skipping, kicking shuttlecock.

From infancy to maturity, I have had three similar dreams, dreamed of my two legs equally steadily, dreamed of me and other children is the same, in the school big drill ground the high jump, the rope skipping, kicking shuttlecock, I was happy is not willing to wake, as soon as because woke, could not walk.

By the end of June, already was the elementary school fifth grade the Zhang Yanqin left leg bone fracture place pain fiercely, the leg swells Lao Gao, did not have the means including the terminal examinations to participate.

The parents lead the child to go to the local hospital once more to see a doctor. Local doctor is at a loss, recommends them to go to Hangzhou's Zhejiang medicine two courtyards to have a look, perhaps also some ray of hope.

Searched for the whole body to the hospital

The mother and daughter had 15 Yuan

On July 5, the mother leads young Yan the qin to arrive at Zhejiang medicine two courtyard seeing a doctors. After doctor understands the condition said that as soon as may undergo the surgery to try, but at that time was also unable to determine that the bone fracture cannot heal is congenital or the day after tomorrow reason, therefore the surgery cannot guarantee that treats successfully; If the treatment is not successful, the child only could face the brutal amputation.

Although the surgery has the risk of failure, but can stand walks goes to school is child's dream. The whole family considers over and over, to decide finally lets the child perform the surgery.

But the surgery first issue of expense wants more than 40,000 Yuan, child's mother to search for the whole body: Has 15 dollars!

The second day of morning, prepares the mother who the feeling despairs to lead young Yan the qin to the automobile north station to start to go begging. To afternoon, Aunt Fan who passed by looked at their situation to arouse pity pities, brought back to own workshop the mother and daughter, and arranged them to stay.

Aunt Fan hoped very much can help this unfortunate child to walk, therefore has dialed the small strong hot line's telephone. The warm-hearted resident has donated more than 80,000 Yuan cashes very quickly for the child.

Is also this compassion funds, caused Zhang Yanqin to perform the first issue of surgery.

The child said:

My sickness, let mother be fed up the suffering

Mother leads me to go begging, I am very at heart uncomfortable, because of mine sickness, mother must receive this kind of pain. Yesterday evening, after surgery's anesthetic efficacy slowly retreated, the ache caused Zhang Yanqin's breath becomes rapid, but she from did not have, because the ache has had a drop of tear.

What the child results in is the congenital shin fibula pseudarthrosis, simultaneously is accompanied by the nerve fibromatosis. The congenital shin fibula pseudarthrosis is one kind of rare gene disease, the disease incidence rate is 1/250000 to 1/300000, the multiple surgery defeat before is because of the congenital question, causes the bone fracture place to be unable to heal. Responsible Dr. Dr. Wang said that this hereditary disease should be comes from the child abnormally the mother - - her sick body now the spinal column on.

What this Zhejiang medicine two courtyards use is Iraq stands grips the Love support, on the one hand to the bone fracture place compression, hoped that can help to heal, on the one hand extension pin bone.

Now plans stretches one millimeter every day, about 80 days may pull to are equally long with the right leg. But this method's recovery rate has about 80%. Generally a half year to one year later can know whether the surgery does succeed. If the situation is not good,toddler flower girl dresses, only could choose the amputation.

Just before leaving time, Zhang Yanqin is enduring the ache, said in her heart's idea to me.

She said that she very wants to stand walks, she wants to study the design, because the project work gains the money are quite many, such future will grow up she to be able to make money to raise father and mother.


designer kids clothing How to select and purchase the high quality baby rice noodle for the baby

This placard in 2010-6-2520:35 edits finally by amy1221

What is the baby rice noodle's principal constituent??
The baby rice noodle is take the rice as the primary data, by the white granulated sugar, the vegetables, the fruit, the egg class, meats and so on selective the ingredients, joins the calcium, the phosphorus, the babies and infants who and so on iron processings and so on mineral substance and Vitamin make supplements food, cannot meet the nutrition need as well as the baby for the mother's milk or the baby powdered formula is weaned time edible.
When baby as long as 3~5 months, should the prompt science increase supplementary food, very important is the baby rice noodle. To the baby who increases the supplementary food, the baby rice noodle is equal the principal grains which eats in our adult, its main nutrient content carbohydrate, is one day of need main energy origin.

The rice noodle classification defers to baby's month to come by stages. The first stage is 4~6 month-long baby rice noodle, what in this stage rice noodle increase and strengthening will be the vegetables and the fruit (some will also increase some egg-yolk), but will not be meat food, like this will be advantageous to little darling's digestion. The second stage is 6 months later, this time in the baby rice noodle will frequently increase some fish, the liver putty, the beef, the pork and so on, the nutrition spectrum is more widespread. When mother chooses the rice noodle, may defer to baby's month to choose the different formula the rice noodle. Certainly, except the attention month, mother may also according to own child's need,designer kids clothing, the choice different formula rice noodle, like feed the carrot formula and the egg-yolk formula rice noodle alternately and so on, lets the child eat balanced, more comprehensive somewhat.

Purchases when the rice noodle what question needs to pay attention to??
The preference scale is as far as possible big, product and grade of service good brand enterprise's product. These enterprise's product compound design is quite scientific, reasonable, the control is quite strict to raw material, the quality has the guarantee.
Looked that on the packing the label marks whether completely. The national standards stipulated that the outside wrapping must mark the plant name, the factory site, the production date, guarantees the nature time, carries out the standard, the trademark, the content, the burden sheet, the nutrition becomes the chronometer and the edible method only and so on. Lacks above any product, should better not purchase.
Looked that the nutrition becomes in chronometer's labelling to be whether complete, the content is whether reasonable. The nutrition becomes in the chronometer to mark the quantity of heat generally, the protein, the fat, the carbohydrate and so on basic nutrient content, Vitamin as for example Vitamin A, Vitamin D, part B the race Vitamin, trace element like calcium, iron, zinc, phosphorus. Other nutrients which increases must also mark. The baby is weaned the time to supplement that food national standards stipulated that Vitamin A and D content separately between 1000~1500 International units and 200~400 International units. If takes the main nutritive index Vitamin A, D to be short in the national standards,baby girl dresses, possibly causes the baby malnutrition.
Looks at the product packaging explanation. The baby rice noodle should indicate clearly that baby most ideal food is the mother's milk, when the mother's milk insufficient or does not have the mother's milk may the edible this product; above when 6 months baby edible this product, should coordinate to increase the accesary foods. Is weaned the time formula rice noodle also to indicate is weaned the time formulated foods or is weaned time supplement food and so on. These statements are the enterprise must indicate clearly to the consumer.
Looks at the product the luster and the smell. The quality good rice noodle should be the rice white, even consistent, has the rice noodle fragrance, does not have other smells, like essence taste and so on.
Looked that the product the organization shape and flushes adjusts the nature. Should for powdery or the laminated shape, dry loose, not agglomerates evenly. Swells after the right amount warm boiling water or boils thoroughly, after the full agitation assumes the lubrication pappy.

Increases the accesary foods for the baby, should grasp the following several principles:
1. looked that the ingredient contains the meter, may know is weaned the time auxiliary kind of rice noodle, is weaned the time supplement class rice noodle. The former while provides certain quantity of heat, but also has joined the fat, protein, mineral substance, Vitamin; The latter fat, the protein content is low,(Related Articleskids toys The clothing hundred strong industry sel), eliminates several kind of Vitamins and the mineral substance, but also has joined the vegetables, fruit and meals textile fiber and so on
2. from class food to solid food: Generally should add the class food like rice water first, later will add half class food like gruel again, will increase solid food gradually, like biscuit, toasted bun piece and so on.
3. from few to many: Increase food may little feed at first, later will increase gradually, cannot be impatient.
4. from one kind to many kinds of: When increases food, each time can only add one kind, passes through for 4~5 days, if the baby dyspepsia or allergic reaction, the energetic appetite is normal, increases the second kind again, is sure not to act with undue haste, in order to avoid creates the dyspepsia.
5. choice appropriate time: The increase supplementary food should better before nursing, because time hunger easy to accept the supplementary food, is sick or the burning hot summer in the child, may postpone the increase, in order to avoid causes the gastro-intestinal tract digestion function disorder.
Attention health: The increase supplementary food should better probably fixed time the quota,girls clothes, eat the thing must be fresh, attention food sanitation.

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Sees between two buildings the distance insufficient half meter,(Related Articlesnew born baby accessories dota captures the net re), seven building Tientai is playing a boy, wants to jump to the opposite roof,blank baby bibs, unexpectedly falls into between two buildings Lou Feng, falls the next seven buildings. Yesterday past 2:00 pm, this accident occurred in the Shaowu urban district. What is lucky, more than ten minutes later,style kids clothing, the boy is rescued time, is only abrades.

Comes out north police's Shaowu water the local police station polices to introduce, when they rush to the scene, only hears the Shaowu Mt. Wuyi boarding house and in the meat products factory two building crevices transmits weakly calls for help the sound. Because Lou Feng building's two is sphered by the fence, the police looks for the ladder, lets a build thin police turn the wall to enter the crevice, other personnel in the external connection should, hold the boy.

The boy prepares from right side Lou Tiao to the left side building, unexpectedly falls from Lou Fengzhong

The boy is surnamed what, 12 years old. Eyewitness said that after yesterday finished eating the lunch, young He and two partners arrived at boarding house seven building Tientai to play together. When he prepares from boarding house Tientai to jump goes to similarly high meat products factory Tientai, carelessly falls into between two buildings Lou Feng. The slit is quite fortunately narrow, approximately 50 centimeters,discount designer children's clothes, and covers entirely the electric wire, the boy receives the electric wire the cushion, falls to Lou Deshi also has a consciousness, calls for help promptly was discovered. The nearby resident said that the boy is quite fat, rescues fortunately promptly, otherwise is possibly clamped suffocates.

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IMBA various schema declaration: (closure to 3.67 editions)
- im opens the IM pattern.

- The SS hero loses originally 4 skills,organic baby clothes, obtains most 4 skills stochastically along with the rank promotion,kids clothes,(Related Articlesbaby bibs funny onesies Master Dota enemy sensiti), most possible 3 big moves. May promote the skill only to remain Huang Dian.
- The AK hero obtains an extra skill, this skill cannot promote, can only after the hero promotes 4 levels only then may rise 1 level.

- RE increases one to be possible to elect the hero: Meat mountain
- Under SL this pattern each heroic all skills,kids clothing wholesale, including the small skill, some which the big move and yellow will hit the mark will lose, cannot study again, Shi Fa and will play the corresponding role.

- FE after this pattern retires the strange death has the low probability to fall very much the special equipment, falls the equipment cannot discard, cannot sell, after the death falls, may share. At present will fall merely only the strength hero's courage coverall.
- CN under this pattern AI hero's skill not IM.

- The AY this pattern both sides heroes are an allied force, is unable to attack mutually, but may attack opposite party dogface, the construction, uses for generally with various transcriptions pattern coordination.
- OX transcription pattern: May challenge the Austria ni gram Greece Asia
- NY transcription pattern: May challenge the soul pair

Attaches matches the IM pattern the general order:
- AR all stochastic hero
- DM death pattern

- The HE computer obtains the double experience
- The HG computer obtains the money
- SC every 10 minutes super soldiers
- ST super tower


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Did not have for a long time is intimate! (Part 1) preschool education resources jy135.com the majority husband just produced in wife the post-natal several months, has the intense natural hunger to be thirsty. I once discussed this issue with some daddies, they tell me: I thought that has been neglected by wife, I also have my need, we hoped that two people go to travel alone, we already for a long time did not have to be intimate. Let me tell everybody, your these feelings, as well as between your wife and child intense attached feeling, is normal.

The woman is different in the pre-natal post-natal natural demand

When you understood that the woman post-natal hormone the change, as well as interdependence between the mother and child's, how isn't difficult to understand of the mother to the natural matter deficient interest. Woman in vivo has two kind of hormone, we are the natural hormone, one kind is the maternal hormone. Before the production, the natural hormone is higher than the maternal hormone; After the production,infant flower girl dresses, opposite, but this situation has continued until the child to be weaned. This period, the female to looks after or nurtures the child the desire,kids clothing, will be higher than far with you make the intimate contact the desire.

Marriage another season

Concurs pediatrician and daddy these years in me, I discovered that is not only the baby handles affairs according to the instinct, the mother is also. From is intimate with gentleman, transfers to is intimate with the child, this kind of change as if is each feminine common phenomenon, because can guarantee that like the young women can also become mother. I once explained that this kind of theory new daddy who neglects is listened for a topethesia, enough said one all day. He drew a conclusion finally said: This as if is in the marital pledge fate, to the child is very good, suffered thoroughly to daddy.

Weary, is another your wife does not want to carry on the contact reason obviously. The mother facing the baby not in the least intermittence request and the tedious family work, will often think dead-tired, only has wanted to sleep well to evening them. Some once the mother who discussed this issue with me told me, when one day ended, they will often think that the complete energy has used up or dead-tired. If in the family has a high demand, this kind of feeling will be stronger 0.1 mother in the physiology and the mood, congenital is designed closely relies on one another with the child, this did not mean that the child has substituted for you, but was your wife the former flower's on your body energy, simultaneously acted the mother and the sexual partner these two role 0.1 tired paralysis mother has needed to make with the wish the difference, she told me: My child needs me to look after him, my husband wants me to be intimate with him. The fellow fathers, do not think that your wife kicks aside intentionally you.

In this period of time, you may handle some matters to urge wife to have the sexual desire to you to look. If you can in this wife and in the baby mutual dependent highest several months, support for wife with sympathize, she will grow doubled and re-doubled to your love Italy and the respect medium speed, also will have the natural interest to you. I belong to the time to be called high marriage another season, is also plays the parents role the time. If you manage this times carefully, will let its abundant harvest, the natural busy season immediately arrive, also will become more multicolored. The following provides some small methods, how tells you post-natal to light her natural spark in wife.

Do not force wife to carry on the sex life

Is pregnant, the production and the post-natal adjustment initial period, will let a woman in the physiology and the mood tired incapable. Lets after first your wife's overall system slightly replies normally, then request. The majority of husband should know that the female is higher than the male far the nature psychological factor's value. Speaking of the female, in the physiology and the mood only then earnestly seeks the synchronize to the nature to be effective, this kind of phenomenon in post-natal period especially is obvious. The women must wait till in the physiology to prepare appropriately, in the psychology only then the request. Many women just were producing in the latter several months, indeed also perhaps arranges carries on the sexual intercourse,creative baby gift ideas, forces your wife to carry on the sex life too quickly, or the request are too many, is doomed to be defeated, carries on the sex life quality because of the duty, does not compare absolutely because of longed for carries on sex life. Preschool education network

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In the baby learning process because of certain reasons, will produce gradually to the study incompetent feeling, therefore and will lose the self-confidence. In other people's eye, will think that they more studied have been stupider, this kind of phenomenon is called the acquired characteristics to be stupid.

Neighbor young Zhao's daughter tinkling intelligent clever, over 3 year old of some will count, the plus-minus method, 5 years old to will not recite many Tang poems, will also say that the simple English,girls coats, the small mouth will be capable in argument, the violin will pull rhythmically. But after tinkling had some time ago gotten up the kindergarten kindergarten class for six and seven year olds, young Zhao is suddenly anxious, said beforehand intelligent tinkling changed has been stupid, the very simple thing like traced red,kids toys, jumped the group dance to study very much slowly.

Why can like this? Originally on the child the kindergarten class for six and seven year olds, must follow the dissimilar study pattern, will also receive teacher and little friend's influence, actually, baby's cognition characteristic, child, although can depend on the parrot school mechanical memorizing to get down, often has not promoted the intelligence development, instead will bring the very tremendous pressure to the child, dampened self-confidently.

Excessively high study goal. The study goal is excessively high, the child finished with every effort always also cannot achieve; Or the study partial contents are difficult, to surpass the child existing understanding ability,toddler toys, then child's feeling can be getting more and more bad, did not need others saying that oneself will think oneself was very stupid.

Excessively many negative suggestions. When the child comes across the setback, teacher said stupidly, the going home parents also said really stupidly. The child has accepted so many stupid information, receives the negative suggestion, how can not believe itself stupidly?

Prevents the child acquired characteristics to be stupid, must teach the child the face failure. When the child is sad for the defeat, the parents must let the child understand, brave, the intelligent person should from the defeat the learn lesson, continues to try hard. Must lower the expected value, reduces child's pressure. Lets the child do as far as possible is interested the matter, the stimulation, protects, enhances the child to the study interest.

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The guardian forum, promotion parent-child reading development preschool education resources jy135.com from my class babies on just the bottom class in kindergarten, we had determined take parent-child reading as the research topic, until now in one-and-a-half year time,children's clothes, we have conducted a series of research. Through the guardian forum's form, we discuss parent-child reading together with the guardian the ways and means that explains guardian's confusion, promoted experience exchange between guardian's, promoted the parent-child reading activity development.

With in guardian's daily exchange discovered that my class babies the parents have carried on the multiform parent-child reading education, but actually does guardians' parent-child read is how carries on? Which has to harvest? Which also has puzzled? Therefore, we in the research initial period, have carried on the questionnaire survey.

Our question includes: The guardian and the child reads together time; Whether the guardian does lead the child to go to the bookstore, library; When baby game whether the initiative choice does study; The child and guardian who chooses the books; When does the child read; Time parent-child reading way, method and so on altogether ten.

My class has 31 guardians to participate in the questionnaire survey, through through the questionnaire, I draws the following conclusion:

1st,saying baby bibs, the child is interested very much to parent-child reading. Many children like with the guardian reading together. The bottom class in kindergarten baby attention has about probably 5 minutes, studies together with the guardian, many children have surpassed for a half hour. This indicated that we carry on the parent-child research are the child like, needs.

2nd, but the guardian to carries on parent-child reading is supports very much, is only because does not know the method, does not know reads anything, how to start, how to carry on. This indicated we carry on the research is very prompt.

Talks about to the early reading confusion, many guardians reflected that child's attention is not centralized, did not know that should choose any book, how to instruct the child; Child's comprehension faculty difference, did not know how to say; The child asked the question guardian did not know how to reply; The child always liked listening many stories, did not like the new story; The child is only willing to listen not to like saying.

Question which proposed in view of the guardian, how should we explain? How to lead the guardian to carry on parent-child reading? We have entered the research,baby boutique, decided that carries out the guardian forum activity.

The first guardian forum activity revolves in parent-child reading the guardian to carry on puzzled. To the universal existence's question, discusses the solution together. Everybody introduced oneself parent-child reading method and the experience, will participate in forum's guardians to have the harvest. Our guardian forum activity officially started.

In parent-child reading, the baby and the guardian reads in the guardian. Everybody's progress is different, how to instruct the guardian to read? Therefore we carried on the second forum to choose appropriate parent-child reading materials. Preschool education network

baby gear How to communicate the preschool education experience with the guardian to summarize

How to communicate - - the preschool education experience with the guardian to summarize preschool education resources jy135.com Guangdong Province Yangshan County first kindergarten Cai Yanxia

Worked for ten years in the kindergarten, every day must contact with the guardian, now is only child's many, therefore the guardian to teacher, was also getting higher and higher to child's request, how to communicate with the guardian? I summarized the following several points:

First,baby gear, communicates attentively

As guardian's point of view is hoped very much knows own child in the garden situation, therefore as teacher, when the guardian inquired situation time, certainly must have the patience to the guardian to report that the baby in the garden situation, and gives the comment and the request earnestly. The expression which speaks with the guardian cannot too the suit type, but looks like the friend not to be able to be too serious equally. My class's small space children are quite mischievous active, opens parents' meeting's time, his mother asked: Teacher, the small space displays what kind in the kindergarten? I said: He is very earnest in the study aspect, how doesn't know at home? The guardian heard praises his son to say with smile on the face immediately: Is very active in the home,kids costumes, sits the time in the chair not to be long, his father hits him also is only fears all of a sudden. I the connection said immediately: He attends class that ten minutes in the kindergarten is very earnest, therefore the work does is also quickly right. After however class, likes everywhere pursuing, one does not pay attention to run up to the balcony to play, or does the toy. His mother said: Wanted teacher to take the trouble, the child was very difficult to teach. I said busily: The intelligent child is quite active, so long as everybody coordination teaches, the child can listen. Small space mother understanding nod.

Second, initiative communication

Studies regarding some quite tense child, but his child is not the guardian who likes studying very much, we must adopt the initiative communication. This may before the child has the problem and the guardian have been interacting, the guardian completely will not push the responsibility for teacher, will omit many nonessential misunderstanding and the contradictory appearance. Furthermore, excavates baby's flashing temperature promptly, that feared that is the little progress, reported promptly to the guardian, I believed the guardian can be very happy. How is my class ye ye the child not interested to the study, takes care of oneself ability also specially to miss. I reported to her mother: ye ye eats meal is very slow, the capacity for food are also very few. Her mother disdained saying:Feeds, could let him begin to eat meal had been very already good, also wanted adult in the home to feed! The child is obviously is become hardened in bad habits by adult, if this time continued saying that the child was not, I believed that guardian's manner even more will be discontented, only then did not raise immediately. This period of time,new born baby doll, I discovered that ye ye paints pictures the progress to be very big, in the morning comes the garden time I reported promptly to his mother. His mother said happily: Yes, he to painted pictures the comparison to be interested, was the tintage insufficient patience. After this time, his mother to teacher manner also good many, also paid attention to the work which ye ye each week painted pictures.

With the guardian communication is one language art, must grasp their point of view regarding the different guardian, selects the different method with its communication, homeland pulls, can do well the work! Preschool education network

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The security sense, self-confident, stable, the comfortable feeling spontaneously will produce, like this, the talented person can take risk bravely, will not fear difficultly. This kind of love needs to be humanity's most basic need.

Second, listens respectfully, need which understood

Child when small, through parents' caress, the hug, shaking and so on affectionate action, very easy to realize is loved. But in grows up in the process, the child started to have own opinion and the view, had own friend and the world, had own fondness with the language. At this time inquires after the well being, can also cause them to know that the parents love them. But can let them realize parents' unconditional love, needs to listen respectfully to them, causes them to feel was understood that is admitted. The young people need to listen respectfully especially, was understood, because they receive many pressures, but actually there is no place expresses, testimony; On the other hand, as a result of internal secretion's influence,top 10 gifts for kids, child's mood is quite unstable, if the parents can understand them, certainly very much has the help to them.

Third, independent need

A person's life has two disposition independent periods of expansion, one is when two years old, one is when 33 years old. If these two time's development receives the hindrance, will then affect to the life. Certainly these two times to the parents, to the children are the most difficult time, the child must start to go out parents' security guarantees, independent explores outward, is not an easy matter. But the parents start to realize the child is far away from himself gradually, also will feel that will not adapt. At this time the parents must have a bigger patience and the magnanimity, must allow them to attempt goes out the family and the dependent microcosm,toddler girl dresses, and can momentarily give them to show loving care for, supports with encourages. This independent needs to be very important. If a child has not received in these two stages encourages with to support, his self-feeling will have the confusion, difficult even weak phenomenon. After he grows up, will have the decision making difficulty, very difficult to trust itself and others, must in others' opinion view frequently to handle affairs, oneself feared very much will have the independence different view. Obviously, if is really this, its innermost feelings' conflict can affect him and the outside communication.

Fourth, achievement need

Each people will need achievement some matters, the self-confidence, the self-respect from this will only then establish. The child needs to encourage especially with to guide, oneself complete certain matters independently. This achievement's demand has the very big relevance. In the related psychology theoretically, three years old to six year old of this stage raises a person achievement, self-confident crucial phase. How is the parents to be able to meet child's this needs? Is actually not difficult, is must drop to let the children handle some matters, does not want, because feared that they will be defeated replace them to give too many instructions, felt relieved that will be the very important method.

Fifth, amusement need

Each people need to amuse, listen to music, plays the game, rides a horse, chats and so on, these do not have any utility goal with ease, the knowledge comfortable. Present's many children play a stringed musical instrument, play chess, the swimming and so on has become the utilitarian goal,baby girls, parents' hoping that a son will grow up to be successful, hopes for the daughter to grow up into a phoenix the psychology, hindered children's mood to relax and to obtain the human who seriously balanced development 0.1 succeeded again, if did not have the leisure time to relax itself, lived looks like one to lose the taste vegetable, not only lived does not have the significance, the psychology also to be able to leave like selfishly, did not have the sympathy, old-fashioned and so on tendency, even became has the human who the violence favored.

The body is parents, if excessively severe perhaps the pursue is perfect, often will neglect with hinders child this aspect the need, will not favor the child grow. Child's these need's demarcation line is not divides clearly, they pass through during the child daily life, is child grow several kind of important Vitamins, indispensable.

The parents want to understand that the situation in likewise, often carries on the self-introspection, examines own education way, also often observes own child, whether to provide to them in theirs development process these needs? We understood that listens respectfully to them? We let them have the independent opportunity? Do we have note play, plays time which for them and so on.


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Author: Carmen Aunt @dota

The trust likes the blue cat playing the families to meet this kind of situation: When you roll to the match in front, as soon as prepares to be fatal for him strikes, after finally discovers flies,homemade baby gift ideas, does not have the evil spirit to put R perhaps E unexpectedly, was seeing the enemy leisurely runs away from you, is feeling very DT? I believed that many dotaer big consume the evil spirit to the blue cat not to have the deep research (I also not to have actually鈥hinks is too troublesome, usually plays time is depending on the feeling), therefore I the blue cat big consume the evil spirit situation today with everybody together research,award winning toddler toys, with the aim of enabling everybody in the later game to be possible more effective gank.

First understood that blue cat's big, its injury is not considerable, even if 1 level you fly greatly 1000, did not calculate that the evil spirit anti-also can only injure 80, certainly its function is not uses in the output injury, the blue cat greatly is mainly uses for the masterstroke which cuts into the battlefield and escapes (certainly, is in has under evil spirit premise, the big rank only affects the flying speed and that are less much the injury, regarding consumes the evil spirit situation is invariable, therefore under tests me to use the LV7 blue cat 1 level is a standard greatly.

Like the chart demonstration respectively is 500,1000 and 1500 yards distances, because these 3 distance application most frequent, in here beginning, 500,1000 take the ground grass as the frame of reference, 1500 take the ground light group as the references.

Test: LV7 blue cat
Skill study: 4R1E1V1G (as for advocated E perhaps main V not in addition does has tested, so long as acted according to consumes evil spirit to calculate may)
Equipment: The intelligence artificial leg, 2 hang; Because common blue cat in list after 6 or 7 starts to lead gank, equips installs (jar for the foundation, because does not add attribute to neglect).

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[dota captures] dota6.67BANPICK, the pattern, as well as the partial hero uses the attainment

PART1: Common BANPICK contestant
The fast temple pushes the tower contestant: BREM

6 level of belt rhythm contestant: BMSTLUCIFERCG

Super auxiliary: LIONVSCMWD

Controls the field meat shield recrimination milk: THESGAVISCOCODSNECSIL


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PART2: The basic hero restrains:
LION restrains the hero who ST, MOR this kind likes the wave.
DS restrains the BR, VIS, TA this type hero.
SNIPER restrains CG, EM.
SPE restraint: EM, ES.

PART3: Basic combination
The meat control outputs AOE (milk)
The meat existence is must, no matter is the preliminary meat shield hero, the later period takes shape DPS is one kind of meat.
Compared with vivid has TH, GAMED this kind purely the hero. The meat function are many, breaks through the enemy lines. Absorption injury. Many time lineups have the flaw are frequently because the few meats, are broken through the enemy lines by opposite party cause the group to fight the unfavorable situation.
The control is a very essential spot, a good lineup, must have 2-3 controls most at least, moreover is the CD quite quick that kind. I had hit a troop, chose 3 nuclei, NEC (BOT cutting edge board armor) LANCER (cutting edge to disappear HY) LUCIFER (cutting edge ABOT). Has completed own god attire separately in a half hour, but because does not control the controlling force too to be or low, does several things at the same time a DR group broken high ground. It can be said one changes into the control, the possible result is not this.
The output did not discuss that the output has not had the future, preliminary black magic output and later period's physical output.
AOE is also a key point, in the prometaphase, the line is one with the key key position. What outside tower being in good health is very big with the soldier line's control a part depending on is the AOE. line has not been diverted easily, gain does not equal the loss.
The milk is dispensable, does not have the limit spot. Anybody may become the milk. However uses now many are mostly NEC and the WD 0.1 position milks, on-line milk &ROSHAN milk. Certainly equipment MEK is a milk.

PART4: Pattern
On-line, field of vision, ROSHAN.
Present's troop individual strength is getting more and more important, the preliminary on-line resistance's result can cause the intermediate stage frequently the situation trend.
Sometimes on-line detail has not completed, the possible intermediate stage to want the tragedy. Resists with a troop, on-line must be well-matched most at least to, most 64 open, 37 were good on direct GG.
Next with auxiliary has the very big relations, the rhythm is too now quick, 6 minute later eyes must certainly make up quickly, river way, superiority tower foreword, after inferiority road's tower, the eye must guarantee completely.
Is directs the goal to be clear,kids shoes, whether can give up some group receiving in exchange attacks some group. Controls the overall situation the line.
For instance I am the guard side, pushes superiority Lu Ta to be very advantageous to me, convenient one's own side DPS takes up a collection, the axis of thrust, the field of vision easy to control.
The middle of the mill tower must defend, the important field of vision and supports the place. Moreover inferiority road strategic sense but also easy to defend not greatly.
If can seize the chance opposite party middle of the mill to take, can complete the field of vision frequently from one's own side to hit ROSHAN.
Grasps a TIMING,10 minute shield to be able to let you profit not poor. If hits not being able to refuse to compromise, then core lies in 3rd ROSHAN, the shield milk is equal in 7V5. is really the most important.

PART5: Prologue
CW, after having elects first, elects the division. Offensive 1 and subsequent party 2 are the different concepts.
Now this edition, is worth the hero who offensive takes not being many.
BR is upsetting by the maneating advancement ability and diversion ability, lives mostly in BANLIST .EM likewise.
If why BR and EM are the 67 first group army, the answer is the soul abstention. Intrepid reply matching summons the thing, as soon as flagitious rolls. Especially in GA and DS by in the BAN situation, is the force first PICK choice.
ST, the flagitious belt rhythm, SIL and LION are half natural enemy, if both by BAN, ST are the first choice absolutely. If is the subsequent party takes, match BAN SIL and LION, then do not hesitate, ST wants certainly BAN.
SG, the meat controls DPS. not to be afraid before BKB offensive. The matching control may hit is very flagitious.
GA: A more flagitious existence, gathers the meat and controls DPS other existence. He and SG is equally matched. And has the hideaway to attract the hatred function. If SG is attacks, then GA is absolute receiving.
VIS: Felt looks like TA and the ZEUS synthesis, but is more formidable. Still has the uncommon on-line ability. The matching intermediate stage's formidable eruption and false controls the field. The unusual existence, thought personally the comparison fears DS.
LUCIFER: Was still the belt rhythm, runs quickly difficult to die, quick which brushes. The rhythm belt gets up very easily to expand the superiority.
VS: On-line easy to make the superiority.
LION: Later period master, needs the rank. The force is auxiliary, may also be the GANK beacon.

The subsequent party takes two heroes, are mostly control +DPS the combination.
For instance model ES+DR.
The subsequent party hero, has SILCM this kind of disgusting hero mostly. As well as robs the control which class is left over to be auxiliary: VSLIONCMWD.CM this hero is too disgusting, any STNECMOR is the good partner.
My friend spoke the sentence very interesting words: The guard must the BAN fish person, the disaster probably BANSIL.
Moreover a friend also said the sentence, SGST is too disgusting, must BAN, too IMBA.

PART6: Middle place
By-pass, on-line resistance, 311 or 212.311, if that 3 cannot hit others collapses the plate, then you lost .2 not to have the rank not to equip personally, actually 311 were equal to that in disguised form double walked randomly. Double-edged sword! Not superiority early TP support inferiority road.
The however 3 spots are very nimble, on-line two person pressure, a person walks randomly controls F to attack the middle of the mill .3 dozens to be able while convenient to work as a farm laborer the overall situation.
Does the god F control, which road's superiority decide. First 10 minute 5 F is very important. May decide the earlier period the situation. The sidewalk 50 seconds must attempt control F. in the odd number time to consider whether the soldier line safe fast does take F. as well as the ponder takes the F teammate is anti-living, the attention relation and coordinated. The single must shrink.
The expanded superiority, grasps the first dispatching a vehicle time. Builds up, are many first time rapidly dispatches a vehicle is heavy is rubbing the blood, if certainly is EMBR this type, the temple must grasp first in the hand to dispatch a vehicle, very possible is a tower.
The field of vision, before GANK and the counter-GANK. tower the eye, the river way,girls clothes, both sides lead the rhythm the GANK war which launches regarding DPS.
10-20 fields of vision, first ROSHAN time spot. The lineup decides all. Pays attention to the high ground the opportunity, basically has not equipped the difference and the population difference does not want on the high ground, the gain does not equal the loss. Was inferior far steady hits the shield manufacture to equip the messenger to count the difference to hit the steadier group war.
20-30 physical DPS formation time, the group fights the key point. Decided that both sides equip the bad several campaigns.
30-45 revolve 3rd BOSS the fight. The line instead draws back, but next.
the 45-XX test terrain judgment and the team coordinate.

PART7: The partial hero uses the attainment and restrains the attainment
GA: Bone ash first cutting edge armor hidden knife HY.
VIS: West artificial leg MEK nihility challenge tile.
EM: The temple soul abstention, jumps knife BKB.
KAER: Hidden knife BKB control cannon. Or phase bone ash A stick.
Regarding certain heroes, the attribute is very important, before I always like jumping knife Cull to jump the knife gold metallurgy, discovered that the waste money instead has not output the gain. Afterward discovered that hidden knife GAKAEL the effect is truly good. This gadget adds the attack many, but also really does not owe. However attacks is bigger than receives, is stressed the time by the human escapes ability bad.

Restraint attainment
MED: Holding force, but outputs weakly, neglects it, withers her the teammate, then comes back to turn her.
DR: Earlier period fear black magic AOE erupts, does not have BKB time very empty wave RUSH. AOE has not been the egg is broken.
The merit is hits BOSS to be easy. Survives weakly. The feeling takes SF anything to be very good hits, puts a big move to do several things at the same time, not to have the BKB also easy second clear. However is hit by DR has been suitable truly very empty.
LUCIFER, ST, BM, CG: This type needs the rank, the easy belt rhythm's person, the best two people to do, comes the third person to make him once for a while. Destroys its rhythm. Let him empty. So long as he one empty, shrinks makes up the basic attire, you won.
You have striven for great section of time for yours team. Weren't the shortest 3-5 minutes, nearly a big-ticket item.
SIL: Too disgusting is too disgusting, with URSA is good means that but I felt that small NAGA also has the good effect.

PART8: Observation

The LGD VS+BMDR+ESSF corona tactic lets my impression be profound, but present BM each kind by BAN.
LGD LYC+EM fast pushes and even evolves fast pushes to later period's SS+PUGNA unforgettable.
Let the human remember ancient times' global class,kids costumes, the FSSPEZEUS force long-distance support, strengthened FS, let the human think is more maneating.
The CT advertisement reduces the armor to come clearly into view.

PART9: End
This period of time are busy at accompanying study and play the school league tournament, plays a bandits' inn 1 spot to be careful. 67 also quickly finished in any case. Under summary and reorganization own mentality. If has any very big fault place, but also asks each Lu Dashen to be broad-minded the .dota Chinese net reprint