
Kids Shoes The male and female teacher proportion serious makes the guardian to worry unbalancedly

Guardian Ms. Wang the education is anxious to the son: My son has been female teacher teaches from the kindergarten to the elementary school, I worried really, the child gets down to turn effeminate like this. Reporter in the interview found yesterday, in Yantai Elementary school teachers troop, brother's daughter teacher, female teacher in charge to female principal ......The female occupies the absolute main force.

Elementary school: Female teacher's world

The Yantai Worker Children Elementary school has 61 teachers, male teacher 11, is the teacher in charge in 20 teachers, has two is the male. Not come singly but in pairs, Yantai raises the elementary school to altogether have teacher 62, male teacher 8, in 20 teachers in charge have 1 is the male teachers in charge. Reporter discovered to the Yantai urban district some elementary and middle schools' investigation that in the elementary school,Kids Shoes, majority school female teachers occupies the ratio to reach above 80%, even some schools achieve above 90%. Male and female teacher the average proportion approximately is 1:10.

Many school principals mentioned that this question, unanimously sighed, elementary school male teacher are too few. Labor Xiao Principal Cao said: Male and female teacher the proportion is very unbalancedly common in the elementary and middle schools, no matter which school, occupies majority definitely is female teacher, in the teaching activity,(Related ArticlesBaby Clothes The role game may train the high disc), the school also hoped that the male and female teacher's proportion is more reasonable some,bulk baby bibs, supplemented that some male teachers to the teacher troop, may, the giving public notice of entrance examination teacher, female teacher the proportion very be in fact high every year. The school choice space is small. Male and female teacher the proportion unbalanced is broken very difficultly.

Guardian Mr. Liu said: In the child educates in the process, father and mother are similarly important. In school edition, in many school classrooms uniform female teacher, creates child's disposition tends the feminization, this fosters to their disposition, the physical and moral integrity is disadvantageous, if in the technical thought and the beginning ability aspect, male teacher should occupy a superiority, corresponding female teacher is careful, patience some, if male and female teacher the proportion is balanced, can cause the child to form a more comprehensive disposition, but not as for flaw some on the one hand.

Male teacher: Lonely and is being joyful

Why is the grade teacher men and women proportion out of balance? Some teachers said that concerns with the old idea. The majority enters the teacher ranks male teacher said: Receives the family to have half bowl of Liang since childhood, does not work as king of the children's thought influence, the teacher is not the own first choice, was only at that time under the examination, reasons and so on employment pressure, did teacher. Some elementary school fifth grade's teacher in charge Mr./Mrs. Liu said: Speaks the truth, takes an elementary school male teacher, also is very sometimes lonely, because in office 78 teachers my male, sometimes really feels is very irritable, the speech also wants the special attention, the joke not to be able to open casually, wants to go to hit movements and so on basketball, asks a partner to be very also difficult. However I and the student communicate am very happy, leads the student to make some games frequently, receives the student and the guardian very much welcome, indeed a little sweetie pie feeling. Also some male teachers said that discussed the object often meets awkwardly. An opposite party tin will be elementary school male teacher will think that will be effeminate. This possibly is also male teacher a few reason.

Teaches the body bureau: Introduces teacher to look at the result

About the male and female teacher imbalance's question, the Yantai chefoo area taught the body bureau concerned people in charge saying:In the last few years, Educational department also in tries to enhance in the teacher troop the male teacher's proportion. School introduction's teachers are through the way unification introduction which gives public notice of entrance examination. Looking from the registration, the male university student who responds to a call for recruits also many, but a test, arranges in the front female student occupies the majority. When the female student examines by writing easy to test the high score, when the interview the verbal skill also gets the advantage. Chooses the superior principle in line with superior,baby gift ideas, we are also helpless.

Discussion: Whether gives public notice of entrance examination to incline to the male

Yantai Worker Children Elementary school Principal Cao suggested that if wants to increase the male teacher's proportion, should, in the teacher gives public notice of entrance examination on inclines suitably to male teacher, enhances male teacher to give public notice of entrance examination suitably the plan. Some Normal schools graduate male university student various aspects ability is very good, possibly interviews when the verbal skill and the scene performance ability is inferior to the female student, but not necessarily teaches the aspect not to be good, may after trying to say enrolls. Hoped that enters the teacher troop to Normal school's male student the channel to be broader a spot, such school's male and female teacher the proportion can be balanced gradually.

