
red baby socks The Qingdao hand and foot stomatopathy was taken bad last week has counted thousand

Daocheng was taken bad last week 1080 examples

on 17th, reporter in the entire province hand and foot stomatopathy epidemic situation announcement table which from the Shandong Province health department issued learned that Shandong Province from January 1 accumulates to June 13 is taken bad 57486 examples, the critically ill case 1144 examples, dies 3 examples. And, (on June 7 to June 13) was taken bad last week 9091 examples, the critically ill case 117 examples, non-death case.

But Qingdao from January 1 accumulates to June 13 is taken bad 4593 examples, critically ill case 111 examples, non-death case. And, was taken bad last week several 1080 examples, the critically ill case 19 examples, non-death case. Looked from this city since this year hand and foot stomatopathy's morbidity situation that the morbidity presents the trend of escalation,red baby socks, moreover Shan Zhou is taken bad several thousand.

The temperature humidity change is a cause

Last week the sick person was very many, we were unbearably busy quickly. City Pediatric hospital infectious disease department grandson fukien orchid cymbidium ensifolium director introduced to reporter, before every day accepted the sick person were most 50, but the last week basic accepted every day the sick people had more than 60.

Last week's cloudy rainy day were quite many, the temperature was not very high, how could the sick person these many? Regarding this, the grandson fukien orchid cymbidium ensifolium said that although the last week the date high temperature was not very high, but the date most low temperature elevated, simultaneously the humidity increased, but the hand and foot mouth's morbidity was with the temperature with the humidity related,(Related Articles“seventh night of the seventh lunar month talk between lovers for husband, so long as spoke a few words), therefore last week's sick person increased.

The grandson fukien orchid cymbidium ensifolium said that except sends the case newly, but also has the old sick person who every day comes to infuse, therefore they are busy at running around in circles every day. In order to guarantee sees a doctor the quality, the hospital increases the manpower to the infectious disease department,cheap kids clothing, nurse increased from original 9 to present's 13, will start from 18th also to increase a doctor, guaranteed patient's demand.

on 1-and-a-half year old of boy life-support machine

We have accepted last week also a seriously injured sick person. In the city Pediatric hospital branch Director Wang Wendi introduced to reporter that this sick person was a Pingdu's young boy, this year only then -and-a-half years old, on June 7 past 4:00 pm deliver the medicine, at that time the situation was quite serious, is at is addicted to rests the condition, the brain presses is very high, the heart rate was very quick, the oxygen degree of saturation also dropped, high fever to 40 degrees.

They made the sternum to the child, the sternum have demonstrated the child already the lung water. Because the condition is serious, they hurried to give on the child the life-support machine, underwent more than two hour treatments, child's situation already changed for the better. Wang Wendi introduced that afterward underwent three day-long treatment, the child condition is stable, now already changed to the ward. Delivers the medicine to be quite prompt luckily, otherwise was again late one day-long words very much to have the possibility to spit blood.

Now sick person quantity many, but the condition compared lightly with the old times many. Wang Wendi introduced to reporter that same time last year, in one day on the life-support machine probably had 13, but this year's degree did not have so to be last year serious, on life-support machine's sick person were very few.

Wang Wendi analyzed that looking from in hospital sick person, these sick people by the countryside and the external hiring out for working personnel's child majority, causes the morbidity the reason to be the sanitary condition is bad. Therefore, the guardian must child's hygienic pass,baby socks that look like shoes, some children have now eats hand's custom, the guardian wants certainly to pay attention, lets the child wash the hands industriously, pays attention the oral hygiene, simultaneously usually uses the tableware must disinfect frequently.

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The newest investigation showed that our country in 13 to 18 year-old young people web cam has the net addiction proportion to reach 17.1%, occupies various ages section first place. Reporter (on March 31) found yesterday, the municipal cooperative unites the sponsor a network psychologically healthy education seminar investigation to demonstrate, the network has a bad effect on the child by no means the chief criminal,funny baby girl clothes, does not educate, when is causes the net addiction the primary cause.

This investigation which launches by the Chinese Young people Network Association, object including this city national 30 big city 15023 young people.

The attendance conference's Chinese Society Psychology Academic society executive member of the council, Tianjin Normal university psychology Professor Jia Xiaobo indicated yesterday that what behind the net addiction representation should reconsider is the young people grows not allow to neglect psychologically healthy education and the guidance. Jia Xiaobo believed that many guardians and the school expostulate the student not to want to access the net, to think was the network has harmed the child, evaded to the network game still fears, actually had loses biased. In the real life,louis vuitton kids shoes, the child shoulders the studies and so on each pressure, in cannot obtain in the satisfied situation,cheap kids shoes, will seek the sense of belonging from the network world, this will be creates the young people net addiction the basic cause.

Attending Southern University psychology Professor Yuan Xin indicated that the network is teacher, the guardian and the student exchanges the communication to provide the convenient platform,(Related Articles(on home page) each monthly total has such several days,), develops the network forward significance fully, uses this tool to guide the young people healthy development, is worth the discussion and the attention from all walks of life.

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The expert thought that the young people outstanding personal character fostering, the home education is very important

Zhangjiagang first day the female student Guo Qin, during 7 years successively to the impoverished mountainous area, the Child Welfare home contributes grants aid the thing 63,000 Yuan. But these offerings, are mostly she attain the literature award item repeatedly, the publication fairy tale collection and so on comes bonus and payment for published piece.

Guo Qin father Guo inborn has an account, records daughter's compassion to grow for .7 years, she to the Child Welfare home, the charity helps the poor the foundation and so on to contribute her article successively
Studies the bonus, the payment for published piece 45,000 Yuan, contributes the book more than 900 books, contributes clothes more than 30, subsidizes 47 impoverished disabled students, accumulates contributes to the society grants aid the thing 63,000 Yuan.

Supports the Guo Qin compassion motion, is she attains each kind of literature award item repeatedly same time in the donation: 17th session of pure-heart prize in literature, Anderson cup nation children's literature big game prize, Hong Kong youth prize in literature and so on; In last November, Guo Qin fairy tale collection "Bud" official publication.

Father Guo inborn believed that child's conduct education is more important than the knowledge education. Guo Qin mother Chen Fazhi believed that Guo Qin has inherited father's gene, in the past we when were in love, he once completely donated 4 month-long wages an unknown military dependant. He has nicely moved me.

in July,coach kids shoes, 2005, Guo Qinsui the parents goes to the Shanxi Province Hanyin County to see the grandfather grandmother. Here just encountered the consecutive number date the especially big rainstorm and the flood, the school and the road is burst. Guo Qin puts out 1000 Yuan bonuses to donate the local elementary school; At the end of last year, she donated 3000 Yuan payments for published piece to the Ningxia impoverished mountainous area's children; This year, the Wenchuan big earthquake occurs the second day, she rushes to the post office, donates the disaster area 4000 Yuan payments for published piece, and donates more than 300 this to the disaster area elementary student to create and to publish "Bud" the fairy tale collection.

In fact,newborn outfits, this family does not calculate wealthily in Southern Jiangsu. Guo inborn was a Zhangjiagang some Governmental agency's ordinary staff, the Guo Qin mother comes off sentry duty in 2002, at present only had the odd-job. Thrifty is the family of three mottos. Usually, in the Guo Qin pocket, the spending money never surpasses 10 Yuan.

Guo inborn said: Guo Qinjuan exits the money, regarding our family is not a small number. But the child can help others such warm-heartedly, is also we take, we who the guardian hoped frequently encourage her, definitely her procedure.

Helps the poor the foremost person in the field besides the Chinese ten thirty-year olds, titles of honor and so on national civilized young people pivot man, in April makes known in 2007 year China charitable prize announcement, Guo Qin wins the Chinese charitable prize nomination prize.

Facing the media interview, girl's words are brief and are pure: Helps others, I am very joyful!

Zhangjiagang often cocculus tunbergii experiment middle school Principal Qin Li introduced that Guo Qin was the excellent in conduct and academy student, in the school, her each semester was the entire eugenics; Outside the classroom, her urheen performance obtains the China Conservatory 9 levels,Dota Items, the Shanghai Conservatory 10 levels. Looks like in her,(Related Articlesgirls swimwear Because two second day students a t), the Guo Qin growth path, demonstrated the new generation young people have dared to undertake the community responsibility superior quality; But action the Guo Qin more than 7 year of compassion, also lets the people even more realize, young people outstanding personal character fostering, home education very vital role.

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A baby may obtain the good nutrition from the formula milk, but the mother's milk is without a doubt best. You in any event choose, remember you just satisfy baby's belly. Equals the time: Is hugging her intimately, looks at her gently,baby dolls, like this you also raise her the mind.

Mother's milk and the artificial feeding first time

Breast feeding's mother starts to nurse needs some help frequently, in many situations, in the maid or nurses under consultant's help the question easy to solve.

Artificial feeding's mother possibly needs to try the nipple - - - - to use the baby formula milk under pediatrician's help.

What reminder attention is:

Ever do not give you the baby to eat the milk; (However because she cannot digest it formula milk to be very good).

Ever do not the milk bottle support in your baby's between lips; Will do this will cause the baby tooth rotten or suffocates.

If you in microwave oven hot formula milk, sways the milk bottle to break the hot milk any small massive,kids clothes, before nurses to the baby careful inspection milk temperature.

The majority of newborns every other one to three hours feed one time,baby gift, even if in the night is also this.

How if she did eat to the full told you? You should hear the baby to swallow frequently, she should have 6-8 wet paper diapers every day, has two bowel movements at least. Eats formula milk baby every 3-4 hours to eat 2-3 ounces,(Related Articles[before mother rests, talks on endlessly] the mother and child evening's verboseness), must increase in one month to 3-4 ounces. If your baby does not have the interest to eat you to like frequently that many, do not force her. But every several other hours must try to feed her, if one day of she continual two times refuses to nurse, must ask pediatrician.

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Many baby time's babies very much will like eating the finger, the increase supplementary food are later more prominent, when the baby may under the activity, but will suck in time the microcheiria which already smeared, the guardian worried that will then grow day by day.

Governs this what means with to suck refers to the hobby? The expert pointed out that corrects the child to eat finger's bad usual practice, should educate and the shift attention primarily. But to 1-3 year-old child must inspect whether needs to make up a zinc .3 year-old above child also should key guard parasitic disease. Doctor did not advocate that with smudges means and so on Chinese goldthread rhizome to correct the young child to suck refers.

Sucks refers to the hobby from where?

Guangzhou first People's Hospital department of pediatrics Director Professor Yu Li pointed out that the most babies are start from 3 months to suck the finger, after 6 month increase supplementary food displays obviously, will follow cuts teeth will form the peak gradually. In this process, sucks the finger is not only the custom makes to cause to so, simultaneously also has the alleviation to cut teeth the ill effect, what but are more is eliminates restlessly, is agitated, the tense mood, has the sedative activity. According to overseas research discovery, in this time, if compulsory lets the baby stop eating the hand, will cause the baby to have the rebellious attitude, after growing up, will change forms has the striking power the disposition. Therefore, 2 year-old beforehand baby has eats hand's behavior, the guardian does not need to be too anxious, cannot the tender mercies.

However, eats the hand to the child to follow has eats the paper, grasps the wall, the appetite is bad, hair yellow, the stature short phenomenon, the guardian do not want to despise, the best belt child makes a trace element examination, has a look whether to lack the zinc. Yu Li said that 1-3 years old are the long body's crucial phases,fashion kids clothing, lacks the zinc to be able to affect child's growth, should intervene promptly. In addition, after 3 year-old child and the outside contact are more, because sucks the finger to cause parasitic disease to be quite common, this is also the factor which the guardian wants to consider.

Corrects the first step: Education guidance

The disparity in age stage's child sucks refers to the hobby the reason to be different, but Yu Li believed that if does not have any unusual symptom, should take educate the guidance as the most important way, and pays attention helps the child to wash the hands frequently, causes the gastro-intestinal tract infection by against bacterium invasion.

First step is the parents self-examination, has gives the child certain concern and sympathizes, lets the child obtain loves with the security sense. Yu Li said that if the parents accompany the child the time to be very few, between parents' sentiment is not harmonious, teaches to the child too anxious or crude, the child was wronged in outside or in the home, locates the environment and faces the human is very strange and so on, will cause the children to have the fear, restless psychology, will thus strengthen sucks finger's bad usual practice. Regarding this, what the parents want to do cares about the child, reduces the child to be bored as far as possible, is lonely, temperately guides them to understand that eats finger's fault, and encourages them to insist to correct. The appropriate praise and the enough patience are essential. If the child still did not listen, will let doctor tell them to eat hand's harm to be effective.

Corrects the second step: Shift attention

Compares the severe accusation, beats and scolds, the shift attention is one unwise procedure. For instance, lets the child carry on begins to play, lets his both hands not have time,(Related ArticlesMother the ear broken! (mother) is obedient really!),homemade baby gifts, or attracts him with other toys, but may also lead the child to exit to play, lets him obtain the knowledge in the multi-colored world, the growth experience, forgets the original bad custom gradually. Regarding young baby, but may also make the small cloth glove, or ties down the finger with the gauze, prevents him to eat the hand directly. But, did not advocate that on the finger spreads the taste for the child, for instance Chinese goldthread rhizome water, hot pepper water and so on, in order to avoid affects child's appetite,kids pajamas, the Chinese goldthread rhizome has the clearing heat and detoxication effect, ate many have also been possible to cause the diarrhea, the vomit.

Corrects the third step: Makes up the zinc suitably

When the education guidance and the shift attention do not solve the problem, must have a look at the child to have the trace element to lack. It is reported that 12 year-old child sucks the finger, nips the thing randomly, does a lot of talking very has the possibility is lacks the zinc the performance, some also merges lacks the iron, lacks the copper, lacks the calcium.

Lacks the zinc most typical characteristic is the pica, the child appetite is not good, actually likes eating not the normal thing, for instance slip of paper, wall ash, soil and so on. Because lacks the zinc to be able to affect child's growth, this kind of child often has a liking for the topping to turn yellow, not long high, grows must fall behind compared to the normal child. Yu Li said that to 1-3 year-old child, suggested the guardian makes up the zinc suitably for them. Even if the micro examination said that has not lacked the zinc, may also make up few. In the normal condition, previous day drank a package of gluconic acid zinc powder (to be possible when water drinks at different times), drinks continuously for 1-2 months, is advantageous to this age stage's child. If the guardian thinks did not feel relieved, eats the seafood product for the child to be also good, but the premise is the appetite is good, can eat the thing.

Kids Shoes The male and female teacher proportion serious makes the guardian to worry unbalancedly

Guardian Ms. Wang the education is anxious to the son: My son has been female teacher teaches from the kindergarten to the elementary school, I worried really, the child gets down to turn effeminate like this. Reporter in the interview found yesterday, in Yantai Elementary school teachers troop, brother's daughter teacher, female teacher in charge to female principal ......The female occupies the absolute main force.

Elementary school: Female teacher's world

The Yantai Worker Children Elementary school has 61 teachers, male teacher 11, is the teacher in charge in 20 teachers, has two is the male. Not come singly but in pairs, Yantai raises the elementary school to altogether have teacher 62, male teacher 8, in 20 teachers in charge have 1 is the male teachers in charge. Reporter discovered to the Yantai urban district some elementary and middle schools' investigation that in the elementary school,Kids Shoes, majority school female teachers occupies the ratio to reach above 80%, even some schools achieve above 90%. Male and female teacher the average proportion approximately is 1:10.

Many school principals mentioned that this question, unanimously sighed, elementary school male teacher are too few. Labor Xiao Principal Cao said: Male and female teacher the proportion is very unbalancedly common in the elementary and middle schools, no matter which school, occupies majority definitely is female teacher, in the teaching activity,(Related ArticlesBaby Clothes The role game may train the high disc), the school also hoped that the male and female teacher's proportion is more reasonable some,bulk baby bibs, supplemented that some male teachers to the teacher troop, may, the giving public notice of entrance examination teacher, female teacher the proportion very be in fact high every year. The school choice space is small. Male and female teacher the proportion unbalanced is broken very difficultly.

Guardian Mr. Liu said: In the child educates in the process, father and mother are similarly important. In school edition, in many school classrooms uniform female teacher, creates child's disposition tends the feminization, this fosters to their disposition, the physical and moral integrity is disadvantageous, if in the technical thought and the beginning ability aspect, male teacher should occupy a superiority, corresponding female teacher is careful, patience some, if male and female teacher the proportion is balanced, can cause the child to form a more comprehensive disposition, but not as for flaw some on the one hand.

Male teacher: Lonely and is being joyful

Why is the grade teacher men and women proportion out of balance? Some teachers said that concerns with the old idea. The majority enters the teacher ranks male teacher said: Receives the family to have half bowl of Liang since childhood, does not work as king of the children's thought influence, the teacher is not the own first choice, was only at that time under the examination, reasons and so on employment pressure, did teacher. Some elementary school fifth grade's teacher in charge Mr./Mrs. Liu said: Speaks the truth, takes an elementary school male teacher, also is very sometimes lonely, because in office 78 teachers my male, sometimes really feels is very irritable, the speech also wants the special attention, the joke not to be able to open casually, wants to go to hit movements and so on basketball, asks a partner to be very also difficult. However I and the student communicate am very happy, leads the student to make some games frequently, receives the student and the guardian very much welcome, indeed a little sweetie pie feeling. Also some male teachers said that discussed the object often meets awkwardly. An opposite party tin will be elementary school male teacher will think that will be effeminate. This possibly is also male teacher a few reason.

Teaches the body bureau: Introduces teacher to look at the result

About the male and female teacher imbalance's question, the Yantai chefoo area taught the body bureau concerned people in charge saying:In the last few years, Educational department also in tries to enhance in the teacher troop the male teacher's proportion. School introduction's teachers are through the way unification introduction which gives public notice of entrance examination. Looking from the registration, the male university student who responds to a call for recruits also many, but a test, arranges in the front female student occupies the majority. When the female student examines by writing easy to test the high score, when the interview the verbal skill also gets the advantage. Chooses the superior principle in line with superior,baby gift ideas, we are also helpless.

Discussion: Whether gives public notice of entrance examination to incline to the male

Yantai Worker Children Elementary school Principal Cao suggested that if wants to increase the male teacher's proportion, should, in the teacher gives public notice of entrance examination on inclines suitably to male teacher, enhances male teacher to give public notice of entrance examination suitably the plan. Some Normal schools graduate male university student various aspects ability is very good, possibly interviews when the verbal skill and the scene performance ability is inferior to the female student, but not necessarily teaches the aspect not to be good, may after trying to say enrolls. Hoped that enters the teacher troop to Normal school's male student the channel to be broader a spot, such school's male and female teacher the proportion can be balanced gradually.